NEWSFLASH: Euan Patton Breaks Tryfan Descent Speed Record

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 UKC/UKH News 25 Aug 2023

On the Tryfan Downhill Dash race, held yesterday, 18 year-old Euan Patton broke the longstanding record for a speed descent of the iconic peak, romping home in a staggering time of just 7 minutes 21 seconds.

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 Edshakey 25 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Big news!

Anyone seen any footage? Hard to imagine what they kind of speed looks like, even having seen Franco's video!

In reply to UKC/UKH News: don't know what else to say.

Franco's video is amazing. Franco - thankyou for doing absolutely insane things so the rest of us don't have to.

 steveriley 25 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Oh lordy, I went up that way this weekend and got chatting to a guy recceing the descent. We both agreed Mike Blake’s 8 minutes was utterly bonkers…

 Michael Hood 25 Aug 2023
In reply to steveriley:

Trying to get a feel for the pace...

I've done under 30 minutes to Idwal when doing the Welsh 3000's many moons ago, but of course I wasn't trying to go at insane speeds, just keeping up a good pace. That of course is nothing exceptional and many will have done it.

So, to the road is maybe 5 minutes quicker at that pace - 25 minutes.

Could I (back then) have gone twice as fast if that's all I was trying to do - maybe - 12.5 minutes.

Could I have knocked another 4.5 minutes off - you cannot be serious 🤣, that's insane.

The really impressive but about Mike Blake's 8 minutes is that he fell breaking both wrists in the middle of it!!!

I'd always thought that with these speed records (like the Welsh 3s) that if they fell on descents, that was it, attempt over. I hadn't realised that as well as being insane, these people were certifiably insane as well 😁

 George Ormerod 25 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Totally bonkers.  If I fell down that gully it'd still take me half an hour to reach the bottom.  Good stuff.

 steveriley 25 Aug 2023
In reply to Michael Hood:

Ha yes, I’ve been down that way in around 30 mins on the Welsh 3000s too. Thought I was pressing on at the time but clearly not. Suspect I’d only knock off 10 mins or so, what with being old and cautious.

 Michael Hood 25 Aug 2023
In reply to pancakeandchips:

If that was filmed with no gaps then I make Franco's time about 9 minutes, what was his official time?

But 9 minutes looked pretty insane so 7:21 even more so. Going to have to watch it again on a full size screen when I get home next week.

 Norman Hadley 25 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

I've watched meteors descending slower than that. 

 ericincheddar 25 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:


 ericincheddar 25 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Check out the video from 10 mins 18 to 53 secs - very trippy!

 bouldery bits 25 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

That is fully bananas.

 Darkinbad 26 Aug 2023
In reply to Michael Hood:

> If that was filmed with no gaps then I make Franco's time about 9 minutes, what was his official time?

> But 9 minutes looked pretty insane so 7:21 even more so. Going to have to watch it again on a full size screen when I get home next week.

Try watching it at 1.25x speed 😊

 BusyLizzie 26 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Wow and just wow. It takes me HOURS to get down off Tryfan because I am such a numpty on steep downhill paths.

 BusyLizzie 26 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

How was the film done - there's a camera on the helmet, but also a drone?

 squashmiller 26 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

I hope Franco did a thorough tick inspection after sliding through all that bracken! 😬

 Jim Hamilton 26 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Does leggings suggest quite a bit of sliding down needed/unavoidable, as in the video, to get a fast time?  

 biggianthead 26 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

That's nothing.

You should see my mate running down from Scafell with a climbing sac, in the dark when closing time at The Wasdale Head is looming

 profitofdoom 26 Aug 2023
In reply to pancakeandchips:

> Franco - thankyou for doing absolutely insane things so the rest of us don't have to.

I used to really enjoy bouncing and leaping down the side of mountains at breakneck speed. It sounds bonkers but it's so enjoyable in fact addictive once you get out of control bounding from rock to rock, swerving all over the place then crashing onto the road (or into a stream if less lucky)

Under 8 minutes from Tryfan sounds good but not at all undoable on that very steep ground. Tempting 

I guess I was never cut out to be a guide

 Denning76 27 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

The video of Euan's go at it.

 PaulJepson 27 Aug 2023
In reply to Denning76:

Just watching those videos shattered my ankles.

 JIM KELLY 28 Aug 2023
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Mike Blake: Still the "hard man" of North Wales Eryri!

He's like the Rod Stewart of fell-running!!

Post edited at 03:17

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