Good venue for FIFA World Cup Final on Sunday, near to the Albert Hall

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 veteye 19 Aug 2023

I'm aiming to see the Women's world cup final on Sunday morning, somewhere near to the Albert Hall, as I may well go there early to get a lower number raffle ticket for the arena queue for the prom in the evening.

I wondered if there is a good venue in South Kensington to watch the football.

My daughter and I watched the Euro cup final on a screen in a club, converted from a cinema, in Clapham common area last year. Somewhere like that or a pub or other public venue would be good.


OP veteye 19 Aug 2023
In reply to veteye:

Someone said that there is a pub near to the South Kensington underground.

There was also mention of a pub called the The Albion at Blackfriars. Any knowledge of these?

 Bottom Clinger 19 Aug 2023
In reply to veteye:

If it was me, I’d simply head back to the tube  stations and see what’s happening. Reckon loads of cafes etc will be showing it, and the obvious bars etc. Enjoy The Proms, hoping there’s something special to celebrate (and I dont just mean Wigans demolition of Bolton - we are on plus 2 points after four games, having started on minus 8 !!!!!!! 

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