Lyon Equipment Customer Service.

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 Myfyr Tomos 15 Jul 2022

At a time of stress and general misery, I have a cheery tale to tell. I have a pair of very old, much loved, Julbo Drus, which are my go-to strong sunshine/snow sunglasses, bought at the Joe Brown Shop in Capel many years ago. Unfortunately, I lost the leather nose piece and enquired at the said shop. They suggested I contact Lyon Equipment, the importers, which I did and, lo and behold, a replacement nose piece arrived through the post today. Free of charge!

What wonderful customer service, even after almost 30 years! Many thanks Lyon Equipment. 

Post edited at 19:41
 tehmarks 15 Jul 2022
In reply to Myfyr Tomos:

I had a similar experience after losing the magnetic side shields of a pair of Julbo sunglasses a few years ago. A new pair arrived swiftly in the post, offer of payment bluntly ignored.

 NottsRich 16 Jul 2022
In reply to Myfyr Tomos:

Lyon sorted me out with a new headtorch when mine broke. In Argentina. Top service! 

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