IFSC World cup on BBC

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 The Norris 18 Sep 2021

I've just discovered that the IFSC world cup Moscow is currently being shown live on the BBC, which was a bit of a surprise! (through the iplayer app)

So far, so good with the commentators not being as annoying as the eurosport olympics ones!

 Stegosaur 18 Sep 2021
In reply to The Norris:

World championships

 matt1984 20 Sep 2021
In reply to The Norris:

Seems to be the standard IFSC feed that's available on youtube too. Matt Groom rom climbing daily and another co-commentator that's usually a pro themselves (they had Alex Waterhouse on yesterday). Agreed much better than olympics ones.

I wonder what the BBC are doing with it on there though?

 gravy 20 Sep 2021
In reply to matt1984:

The women's boulder final appears missing from the IFSC site (only highlights) - is this due arse-gate?

 TomD89 20 Sep 2021
In reply to gravy:

Arse-gate was the women's semi-finals I believe. Missed what the fuss was about as only watched the first little bit before going out and when I got back it was missing from youtube. Then they had a verbal disclaimer by Matt Groom about 'objectifying athletes' in the men's semis in reference to it. 

If it's anything like Arse-gate one then a camera person zoomed in on a bottom for too long. Would be interested to know if was actually something else? From the brief disclaimer it sounded like once again it was an Austrian female competitor involved? 

EDIT: Have done some further reading and apparently it was the exact same athlete,  Johanna Farber, both Moscow and previously Innsbruck earlier this year.

Post edited at 12:47
 Si dH 20 Sep 2021
In reply to TomD89:

It was the same thing and the same competitor. Pretty ridiculous.

 Iamgregp 20 Sep 2021
In reply to TomD89:

Didn't see what it was all about, but the IFSC was moved enough to put this out https://www.instagram.com/p/CT9p3_ygnxl/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

In reply to TomD89:

It was essentially the same thing. A lingering slo-mo replay (so not just an unfortunate live frame) of the same athlete when she was stood on the mats, seemingly focusing on a chalky handprint as an interesting shot without thinking about what they were actually presenting on screen. It's not just the cameraman's decision alone - a live editor chose to take the shot.

The IFSC needs photography and film guidelines such as this policy from British Gymnastics: https://www.british-gymnastics.org/documents/footer-menu-items/governance-d....

 JLS 20 Sep 2021
In reply to matt1984:

Matt Groom’s Olympic commentary wasn’t always great either but he seems be much improved in more recent outings. I’m not sure sure whether that’s from learning the job, just being a bit more relaxed in the role, or just me getting better used to his style.

The women’s boulder final was top drawer stuff. Well worth a watch.

OP The Norris 20 Sep 2021
In reply to Stegosaur:

Yep, sorry I havent been an avid watcher of comp climbing and didnt realise the difference until the commentators mentioned in the mens bouldering final, my bad!

Both finals were a fantastic watch and I hope they go on to show more on the beeb. 

 Iamgregp 20 Sep 2021
In reply to Natalie Berry - UKC:

Indeed.  Blame lies entirely on the Director's shoulders.  

ORF, the host broadcaster publicly apologised to Johanna Farber last time, and promised to strive to do better in the future.  And then have done exactly the same thing to exactly the same athlete.

I would be very surprised if this wasn't serious enough grounds to tear up the contract and for the IFSC to find themselves a new HB for future events.

 JLS 20 Sep 2021
In reply to Iamgregp:

Is ORF involved this time round?

 Iamgregp 20 Sep 2021
In reply to JLS:

I assumed so as they're the IFSC Host Broadcaster but after you asked I checked and I can't see any details of their contract with IFSC online anywhere so now I'm not so sure....

Anyone else know?  Natalie?

 Iamgregp 20 Sep 2021
In reply to Iamgregp:

The Da!ly Mail seem to think it was ORF again.  But their fact checking is hardly the gold standard of journalism...  Not even going to link the article, it's that meaningless.

In reply to Iamgregp:

No, local (Russian) team I think. Not 100% sure but don't see why ORF would be there. Part of the problem is the lack of consistency, but there should still be guidance for broadcasters. 

 Iamgregp 20 Sep 2021
In reply to Natalie Berry - UKC:

Federations often appoint 1 company to be the HB across all their events in number of different countries it makes it much easier in terms of costing, consistency and planning.  

However ORF put out an apology last time, whereas there's been nothing this so I think you might be right that it's a local HB.

Certainly the guidance needs to be made much clearer, or they to appoint 1 HB, or group of core broadcasting staff, to work across all events.  Clearly something needs to change.

In reply to Iamgregp:

ORF are definately not the production company in Moscow. It is a Russian production company (Move TV rings a bell but I am not sure).

OBS Media are the team that produce the webstreams when a big national company (eg ORF in AUT) are not involved. OBS are in Moscow but only to provide the graphics for the stream.

 Iamgregp 20 Sep 2021
In reply to Graeme Alderson:

Excellent info, that makes sense.  

Many thanks!

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