NEWS: BMC and Montane Announce New 'Strategic Partnership'

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 UKC/UKH News 17 Oct 2017
Montane BMC partnership, 4 kbMontane and the BMC have announced a new three-year strategic partnership. Here the BMC explain the thinking behind this new policy.

Read more
 Lemony 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:
Have you considered a strategic partnership with a keyboard manufacturer, the hammering Gallam1's going to give his over this might make it quite lucrative?
Post edited at 12:18
 jonnie3430 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Good choice!
 Si dH 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Any details on where we can get the 20% discount and whether it can be used in conjunction with other offers?
Alex Messenger, BMC 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Si dH:
The 20% discount is available until 14 November, then it reverts to 15%.

It's available on Montane gear and clothing bought online through

We've emailed all BMC members the offer code today, so check those junk folders...

More info here:
Post edited at 12:51
 Ramblin dave 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Minor curmudgeonly grump - I don't have a problem with the BMC forming "commercial relationships", but I am genuinely quite uneasy with the word "recommended". Maybe it's irrelevant nitpicking about semantics, but to me, a "recommendation" is an honest statement that you think that X is the best option, not just a "we'd like to thank X for their generous support", and the BMC using it to mean the latter comes across as compromising their integrity. Bear in mind that the BMC also has a technical committee whose job is essentially to make informed recommendations on critical safety equipment...

I'd also worry a bit about whether too much involvement of the BMC with companies who sell £300 jackets is going to reinforce the impression that hillwalking and climbing are exclusively rich kids' sports, and what effect this is going to have on their diversity and participation work. Are they still going to be happy to shout from the rooftops that you absolutely don't need to spend loads of money on a Montane jacket from Cotswolds just to go up Snowdon if it might endanger their commercial relationships with those firms?
 rj_townsend 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Good work! Glad to see the BMC getting these types of partnerships in place.
 Michael Gordon 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Ramblin dave:

I thought the same thing. Why is Montane 'recommended' over other equally good brands? They could just call it their 'Clothing and Pack Partner' which would still be an endorsement, but without the suggestion that others are somehow less good.
 Rob Parsons 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Oh dear - cliché alert: "We are already looking at many innovative schemes of tying in rewards through them as part of what Alex calls the membership journey."
 simoninger 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Red Bull not available, then?
Alex Messenger, BMC 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Rob Parsons:
Ha, I've become a cliché. Well, there are lots of buzzwords in marketing, but membership journey is an OK way to describe the stages that we talk to our members.

What it means is that we're always looking to add value to our membership at different stages, such as discount codes, special offers, free BMC TV film premieres, member-only competitions, member prices in our online shop and reduced entry to BMC events. The new partnerships with Montane and Cotswold and Snow+Rock will give more opportunities for that.

The permanent 20% off Montane gear, and in Cotswold Outdoor and Snow+Rock for significant BMC volunteers is a great example of that.

More benefits here:
Post edited at 15:56
 itsThere 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Alex Messenger, BMC:

Sounds good, you might find this an interesting read. Its about Swedish cycling not letting the world number 1 compete because she has her own sponsorship deal. Will this cause a conflict of interest?
 Simon Caldwell 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Alex Messenger, BMC:

> membership journey is an OK way to describe the stages that we talk to our members.

No. No, it's really not...
 Toby_W 17 Oct 2017
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

No one asked me about this!




 Ian W 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Toby_W:

Hi Toby,

Is it ok?


 Goucho 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Rob Parsons:

> Oh dear - cliché alert: "We are already looking at many innovative schemes of tying in rewards through them as part of what Alex calls the membership journey."

The use of the word 'journey' as well as 'experience' in any marketing and brand related context, should be viewed with the same contempt as someone having a shit on a crowded bus.

Can the BMC in future, either please refrain from the use of marketing 'bollock speak', or change its name to
In reply to Goucho:

Marketing speak does have a side-effect of turning some stakeholders into stake holders.

Me, for example. Now where's my mallet...

 Goucho 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Pursued by a bear:

> Marketing speak does have a side-effect of turning some stakeholders into stake holders.

> Me, for example. Now where's my mallet...

> T.

I wonder whether they took a 360 holistic view, before leveraging their brand legacy?
Lusk 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Ramblin dave:

> I'd also worry a bit about whether too much involvement of the BMC with companies who sell £300 jackets is going to reinforce the impression that hillwalking and climbing are exclusively rich kids' sports, and what effect this is going to have on their diversity and participation work. Are they still going to be happy to shout from the rooftops that you absolutely don't need to spend loads of money on a Montane jacket from Cotswolds just to go up Snowdon if it might endanger their commercial relationships with those firms?

I get what you're saying there, hell knows, I've spent (and wasted) far, far too much cash on so-called 'Tech' gear in the past.
I buy cheap these days. I reckon most people/climbers are wise enough to see that there are plenty of cheaper alternatives available these days that are almost as good as the big brands, Decathlon etc.

If BMC get money out of these deals, well, good for them. Buyers beware and stop and think for a second before pressing that 'Proceed' button
 Ramblin dave 17 Oct 2017
In reply to Lusk:

> I get what you're saying there, hell knows, I've spent (and wasted) far, far too much cash on so-called 'Tech' gear in the past.

> I buy cheap these days. I reckon most people/climbers are wise enough to see that there are plenty of cheaper alternatives available these days that are almost as good as the big brands, Decathlon etc.

I guess I'm more worried that for newbies with no previous contact with the climbing scene it reinforces the impression that to get into this sort of stuff at all you need to be able to afford to get all the gucci kit from Cotswolds, which could be a bit offputting if you aren't. It's a fairly minor point, though, and I don't think it's an issue to drop the whole deal over, but it's something to maybe keep half an eye on.
 Misha 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Ramblin dave:
To be fair, Cotswold do sell reasonably priced stuff. Perhaps not as cheap as Go Outdoors or Decathlon but ok price / ok quality sort of stuff. They don't tend to sell the proper Gucci end of the market brands either - Arcteryx, Haglofs, Mammut and so on. Generally you need to go to the independent shops or proprietary brand shops for that. Montane is mid range as well .
 UKB Shark 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Goucho:

> The use of the word 'journey' as well as 'experience' in any marketing and brand related context, should be viewed with the same contempt as someone having a shit on a crowded bus.

> Can the BMC in future, either please refrain from the use of marketing 'bollock speak', or change its name to

C'mon then. What better word do you think we should use for what Alex described.
 toad 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Alex Messenger, BMC:

I'm less concerned about the language used, but I'm unhappy that it's website only, as I far prefer to support bricks and mortar independent retailers where I can

I also think you need to have a think about "recommended".
 Andy Hardy 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Goucho:

I think they've been too busy with the low hanging fruit. Soon though, some bright spark will start running things up flagpoles to see who salutes, and when they do we can expect synergistic convergence in the X-treem space.

 Andy Hardy 18 Oct 2017
In reply to ukb & bmc shark:

What about "benefits"? Because that's what it is: become a member, and as a benefit, get a discount on a new fleece.
 UKB Shark 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Andy Hardy:

> What about "benefits"? Because that's what it is: become a member, and as a benefit, get a discount on a new fleece.

Doesn't quite hit the mark. The journey represents the stages of involvement ie initial awareness, email subscriber, first joining, renewing, attending an area meeting, volunteering etc
Alex Messenger, BMC 18 Oct 2017
In reply to

Just a reminder for any BMC members who need the 20% discount code.

We emailed all our members the offer code yesterday. But if you haven't got it, then email [email protected] or message us on our social media.

A few people have been in touch to ask how to get the code if they're not members yet. If you join and drop us a message then we'll send it to you.

The only thing to remember is that BMC office hours are 9-5 Mon to Fri. We do check social channels out of hours, but if you're planning to buy something at the weekend then it's best to get the code from us in advance.

 Goucho 18 Oct 2017
In reply to ukb & bmc shark:

> C'mon then. What better word do you think we should use for what Alex described.

'We are looking at many schemes (there's nothing innovative about discount and loyalty schemes, they've been around for centuries) to offer discounts and rewards for our membership.'

Plain English always beats marketing bullshit.

The only people who buy into marketing bullshit, are the marketing people spreading it.
 UKB Shark 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Goucho:

Still doesn't cover the stages of the <cough> journey
 Toby_W 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Ian W:

Super duper,

Thanks for asking

 Ian W 18 Oct 2017
In reply to Toby_W:

No problemo!

Just need Bobs blessing now.
 Iain Smith 19 Oct 2017
In reply to ukb & bmc shark:
Pure W1A.

Brilliant! The way ahead is behind. OK, let's nail this puppy to the floor and just reimagine the following statement;

'We are already looking at many innovative schemes of tying in rewards through them as part of what Alex calls the membership journey."


'The BMC is continuously working with its members to reward their loyalty via various perks'.

Jonathan Pile: I don't want the BMC f**king hijacking my f**king journey to the Alps, Scotland, or anywhere. I thought climbers prided themselves on being straight talking. Can't these f**king numpties grasp that they are distancing themselves from their members by using such inane and essentially meaningless marketing speak. Journey, my a*se! I'd rather buy a one-way ticket to 'reimagine' a right sizing of my membership from 1 to zero.

...deep breaths, 1, 2, 3....Ah, that's better.
Post edited at 10:58
 UKB Shark 19 Oct 2017
In reply to Iain Smith:


I will use the new phrase henceforth.

Do you mind being called a significant volunteer

 Iain Smith 19 Oct 2017
In reply to ukb & bmc shark:

Quite! Thinking big thoughts like that deserves a digital handshake.
 Dauphin 19 Oct 2017
In reply to Iain Smith:

Just think of the Bonuses.

 Larefia 20 Oct 2017
In reply to Iain Smith:

"We are already looking at many innovative schemes of tying in rewards through them as part of what Alex calls the membership journey."


'The BMC is continuously working with its members to reward their loyalty via various perks including discount on overpriced kit at full MSRP that can actually be brought cheaper elsewhere'.


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