Who claims the last ascent of.....?

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 Rog Wilko 15 Aug 2008
...... Walthwaite Crack? Finally got out on rock today during a dry hour or two oop north. Nipped out to Raven Crag Walthwaite, where there was a big rock fall about 18 months ago (see photos in my gallery) which means Walthwaite Crack now only has one side to it. Just got to wonder if anyone claims the last ascent of the route before it fell down. Think it was between Christmas 2006 and New Year 2007. Any one for the Hall of Fame?
 Al Evans 16 Aug 2008
In reply to Rog Wilko: Or indeed Yankee Doodle, or Deer Bield Buttress?
 Trangia 16 Aug 2008
In reply to Al Evans:

Or the crack (the first time I did it) which had become the chimney (the last time I did it) behind that detached block at Tremadoc which was eventually dynamited for safety reasons? I forget it's name?
 sutty 16 Aug 2008
In reply to Trangia:

Hounds head pinnacle, as you say a boot width crack in 1959, almost a chimney five years later.

There is a route on Gribin Facet that used to have a description about chimneying up between the cliff and a leaning flake, and said if the flake went you would suddenly find yourself clinging to an overhanging wall.
 Dave Wearing 16 Aug 2008
In reply to sutty:

Ancient pic of that on my photo gallery.

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