Socially adjusted or...

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Pete W 02 Jan 2006 would you describe yourself?

Are you the "kind" that has to be around other people or have them around you all the time?

Are you the kind that enjoys other people´s company most of the time but sometimes need to be on your own?

Are you the kind who enjoys your own company mostly but doesn´t mind being around others?

Are you the kind who chooses to be on your own and avoids others if you can help it?

Are you any other "kind"?

Are you all of the above at different times?

Just wondered. Pete
 TN 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

Mostly the kind that enjoys other people´s company most of the time but sometimes need to be on my own? Sometimes I need to be on my own more than other times. I like quietness - I don't like noise and chaos. (unless I am creating it!)
 woodie 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

Ian 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:
>> Are you the kind who enjoys your own company mostly but doesn´t mind being around others

thats me

Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Ian:

I think I´m the kind that will talk to anybody, anytime I run into them, but keep my own company most of the rest of the time.


Explains... paying at the checkout, bar, bus etc I´ll smilingly say something to make the recipient know I see them and value what they do. However, most of the time I am on my own. Prefering to people-watch in cafés to being one of a herd at the same café.

 tattoo2005 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: Hi Pete. I would say I really do enjoy other peoples company, whether they be old friends or meeting new folk, but I do enjoy my own time, listening to music, reading and stuff :O)

Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to tattoo2005:

Don´t you just love those moments when you look up from the book/newspaper you´re reading to look into someones eyes and they smile all nice and honest!

 tattoo2005 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: My ex used to sit and watch me read for some reason, he said I always looked at peace when I had a book in my hand, strange but nice!
baluchi 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

I choose mostly to be by myself. However, I do like to meet up with friends occasionally. Prefer to work alone, also travel by myself.
Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to tattoo2005:

As an avid people-watcher, I think it beautiful seeing someone realxed andtotally engrosed in their book; especially when they suddenly laugh outloud despite themselves. Makes me all smiley.

 Norrie Muir 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:
> would you describe yourself?
> Just wondered.

Dear Pete

Are you a nosy parker or an old spinster?

Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Norrie Muir:

Long time since I was charmed like that kind sir...guess that makes me a nosey spinster... heart. You?

 tattoo2005 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: It is kinda nice to see someone totally relaxed and unaware that you are watching them, it gives you a wee bit of insight into the real person sometimes
 practicalcat 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:
Pete, are you compiling a data base on us all?
John Hewitt 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

Number 2 i think
Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to tattoo2005:

...especially if they don´t mind your returned smile, that they don´t find it creepy or intrusive...just spontaneous happiness for their laughter.

Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to practicalcat:

My brain and computer skills are too poor to compile anything especially so far away. Pete
 tattoo2005 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: I do like watching people, especially when I'm in town shopping and sit down for a coffee, you sometimes wonder what people are thinking, if they look happy or sad what is making them feel that way. I have found a sense of peace in myself this new year that has been missing for a wee while so long may it continue :O)
Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to tattoo2005:
> I do like watching sometimes wonder what people are thinking, if they look happy or sad what is making them feel that way. >

...and the great thing is you can sometimes make them smile or feel good about themselves just because you can.

Maybe there ought to be a "Down the Street Café" or something similar.

 tattoo2005 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: I was in Sainsbury's shopping the other day and the guy in front of me was a proper torn-faced disaster, he kinda just tossed the money at the young bloke at the cash desk and grunted at him. When he served me, I gave him a smile, said thanks very much and wished him a happy new year, it was so nice to see him smiling after someone being so rude
 Sandrine 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:
Option 2 for me. Being on my own is quite important actually: I "regroup".
Pete W 02 Jan 2006
In reply to tattoo2005:

Well done you.

Walked on the bus the other day carrying a book at which the woman driver commented that she´d read the authours debut and had thought how nice to read the one I was carrying. After paying and sitting down some a-----e got on and gave her a hard time for something. She was almost in tears. Anyway. When I got off I gave her the book and told her how thankful I was for her little chat. She lit up... Priceless. Pete
 tattoo2005 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: It doesnt cost anything to give someone a smile, to say hello or thank you. A smile to some people is worth more than all the money in the world, we should all do it more often
 tattoo2005 02 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: I'm sure she smiled all day because of that, it lets people know that the world is not completely full of thoughtless arses who can't empathise with anyone
Pete W 03 Jan 2006
In reply to tattoo2005:

Lots of people needing a smile here today.

Half meter hard frozen snow. Vehicles all over the place can´t move for each other. A new vehicle toll comes in today so lots of extra people trying to use public transport as well.

You know how it feels, your car stuck, can´t go forward or back and backloggs building up everyone trying to get to work. Poor sods.

 JayH 03 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

(in reply to the original question): ie how much of an introvert or extrovert are you?

According to a number of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tests, I'm extremely introverted. (Aye - me!) I'd classify myself as number 3. I do like other people a lot, but I get exhausted if I spend too much time with them. I need silence occasionally (hence escapes to the hills, etc.)

In reply to tattoo2005:

Normally I'm polite and smiley to absolutely everyone, it was just the way I was brought up to be. However, yesterday, I was a right grumpy sod, waiting in a huge queue to pay for petrol. The cashier was a youngish wee boy, who was slow as a slow thing - in action, speech and thought. So I was sharper and brusquer than usual (example, barking my pleases and thank-yous as quickly as I could, with no big smiles). But the cashier got his own back in such a classy way - as I stomped off, he took the extra time to wish me a safe and pleasant journey before he served the next grumpy sod in the queue.

Boy, was I chastened! I do declare I flushed a guilty red as I turned back to thank him with a furtive grin. Doh! Serves me right.
Pete W 03 Jan 2006
In reply to JayH:

That "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tests" thingy, any links? Don´t really know how to answer your question. "I'm polite and smiley to absolutely everyone" sums me up too, mixed in with a bit flirty, jokey, happy hippy. I´m that way because I choose to be. I have the kind of job where I can just be me and it contributes (hopefully) to the friendly atmosphere we are known for. When I am not here I´m still all of the above but I don´t seek the company of others but when I do talk to waitresses etc I try to let them know they are appreciated without trying to chat them up.

Cute the way the cashier got you back: and sweet that you thanked him. Pete
 Ridge 03 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:
> would you describe yourself?
> Are you the kind who chooses to be on your own and avoids others if you can help it?

Sadly this is me! The older I get the worse I am at relating to people. It's not that I'm ill at ease in social situations, it's just that I can't be bothered to communicate, I often feel that there's not much I can add to the conversation, so just don't bother.
Despite my internet persona I'm quite friendly to people on first meetings, but do tend to lose patience will people quite rapidly.
 CJD 03 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

hah! I've discovered over the last couple of months just how much I need my own space. I like being around other people but feel a real need for my own space otherwise I feel like I can't breathe.
 JayH 03 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

MBTI tests: yeah, here's a reasonable link. The test is one of the longer and more reliable ones I've come across.
Pete W 03 Jan 2006
In reply to JayH:

I am:

* slightly expressed introvert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* distinctively expressed feeling personality
* moderately expressed judging personality

Fascinating, thanks. Pete
 Ridge 03 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

I am:

very expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
moderately expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality

Whatever that means...
 tattoo2005 03 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: Here's a smile for your and everyone else :O)! Our weather is fine here today, a bit cold but no snow whatsoever. Most of my mates and myself at not due back at work until tomorrow so spent the day shopping and having lunch with a friend, a really nice day out!

 tattoo2005 03 Jan 2006
In reply to JayH: Oh the embarassment for you! I do always try to be nice in shops and stuff, I couldnt do their job as I just couldnt deal with the general public every day, a smile and a thank you is free so make more use of them, it will make you feel so much better as well!

 tlm 04 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

Does everyone smile and be nice to their doctors, solicitors etc as well? It's all coming across as a bit patronising! Smile to the servants to let them know that you appreciate their bit.... sort of thing....

heh heh! Just adding a touch of vinegar to all that sugary stuff...

As to what sort of a kind I am - I am the kind who makes the most of whatever situation I am in. So if I am on my own, I enjoy that, and if I am with others, I enjoy that too...
 biscuit 04 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W: Used to hate being on my own and now look forward to times like tonight when i've got the house to myself.

Not even doing anything exciting, i'm cleaning garden furniture, but really looking forward to it.


But when i've had a couple of beers in a group i turn into the biggest show off in the world.

Don't know what all that says about me - now get out of my head !!
 curlymynci 04 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

anxious avoidant
 Flatlander 04 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

I enjoy touching my nipples does that mke me a pervert?
 David Hooper 04 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:
Dear Pete

Happy new year and good to see you back.

If you had numbered or lettered your list for ease of answering, I would be 2) or b) I think.


 Rubbishy 04 Jan 2006
In reply to Pete W:

I am the dyslexic kind that found several sentences all starting with the same 4 words impenetrable and f*cked off to look at

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