Take any interesting images this year

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 The Lemming 03 Sep 2020

I realize it's been a quiet year, but have you taken any images that you'd like to show off?

I'm quite pleased with this one that I took on Tuesday at my local park.


 Gav_92 03 Sep 2020
In reply to The Lemming:

Really good photo

In reply to The Lemming:

It's been a funny old year for photos, what with the country going to pieces in a virus-ridden handcart.  My wife was made redundant at the start of lockdown but starts a new (fixed-term, but hey it's something) job on Monday which means she's effectively had the summer off, so we've squeezed full value out of our National Trust membership over ther summer.

I was pleased with this one of the Hovis-advert hill in Shaftesbury. https://tinyurl.com/y3c82lke

Also this one, at Fountains Abbey.  Must take a tripod next time I go.  https://tinyurl.com/y3c82lke

Both links lead to Flickr, so perfectly safe.


 Basemetal 03 Sep 2020
In reply to Pursued by a bear:

Both also lead to the same image...

In reply to Basemetal:

Blimey, so they do.  Thanks for the heads-up.  Try this one.



In reply to The Lemming:

I put together an album of pictures all taken within a mile of home. Here is a link to it on Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/16284939@N04/albums/72157715582919141

OP The Lemming 03 Sep 2020
In reply to keith-ratcliffe:

That's a great idea for a project.

I shall give that a try as well. 😀

In reply to keith-ratcliffe:

Some nice shots there - and I agree, the concept is a good idea for a project.  I may try something similar.


OP The Lemming 03 Sep 2020
In reply to Gav_92:

> Really good photo

I made this one my desktop


 Andy DB 03 Sep 2020
In reply to The Lemming:

Had an experiment with start trails having seen a thread on here https://flic.kr/p/2jCVjYp

Also been doing a bit of local macro stuff on the daily exercise https://flic.kr/p/2jCVm5H

And the classic Dog walking shots https://flic.kr/p/2jCYRV6 https://flic.kr/p/2jCVnCY  or this rather special effort https://flic.kr/p/2jCVm1u

 Dark-Cloud 03 Sep 2020
In reply to The Lemming:

I quote like taking close in sort of abstact (ish) shots when i'm using a proper camera rather than he phone, this sort of thing:

In reply to keith-ratcliffe:

Another wee photo project that is worth a try is this one - The 1000 steps Challenge'. youtube.com/watch?v=Gvaq168I43U&

One of my images came from this idea.

In reply to The Lemming:

Very nice. I have to admit my camera has barely been out through lockdown after feeling fairly productive last year. Mostly just focused on trying to upload a few more things to stock sites - a few pennies made so far this year, although won’t be quitting the day job any time soon

Post edited at 17:52
 Dark-Cloud 03 Sep 2020
In reply to Dark-Cloud:

A dislike, I didn’t think it was that bad !!

 e.ms355 04 Sep 2020
In reply to The Lemming:

we ended up doing a photo comp between friends during lockdown. choosing a different theme every two weeks and pics had to be taken at home or in the garden which led to some creative, interesting shots! quite a good way to pass some time and get use out of the camera again

liking the shots being posted here too

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