Laces for 5.10 Tennies

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 bpmclimb 21 Jul 2023

How long are the laces on 5.10 Tennies approach shoes?


 john arran 21 Jul 2023
In reply to bpmclimb:

How long is a piece of string?


OP bpmclimb 22 Jul 2023
In reply to bpmclimb:

Can't seem to find out by Googling, just thought someone on here might know, save me a bit of time/hassle - but it's no biggie

 CantClimbTom 22 Jul 2023
In reply to bpmclimb:

Bloomin' long. I have some 5.10 tennie guides (cr*ppy things that they are) but no tape measure. I'm travelling so no access to rulers or normal measuring equipment. (Maybe I could measure it with a bank card then Google the dimensions of a bank card, but I can't be arsed, sorry 😄).

If you mean tennie guide... (the classic 5.10 approach) They have 9 eyelets, which according to the wildly exciting website I googled you'd need 63" laces. Good luck finding those.

Try using 3mm accessory cord. The laces they come with them are rubbish and seem to self undo like nothing else in existence (even tried waxing them, but it didn't help) . Use cord instead.

Post edited at 12:17
OP bpmclimb 27 Jul 2023
In reply to bpmclimb:

In case the info is useful to anybody .... 60 inches/152 cm are perfect.

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