Has anyone used a Nature hike Cloud Wing 2 before?

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 Schmiken 23 Jul 2023

Looking at buying a new tent for walking (haven't got a particularly large budget) and saw the above. Has anyone used one before and can give some advice as to whether it's worth buying for £145?

It looks pretty decent and YouTuve reviews look ok but would appreciate some UK specific recommendations!

 J72 23 Jul 2023
In reply to Schmiken:

Depends on your use case (are you carrying it in your pack, how many days, for how many people etc) but the Lanshan 1 I bought for £130 after helpful reviews from WH users.  It’s a trekking pole tent but only around 1kg, packs small and is great in high winds if pitched well.

As with all small tents, small amount of condensation inside on still nights but it dries pretty quickly before packing up.

 magma 29 Jul 2023
In reply to Schmiken:

interesting design- but not sure i like it. think i'd go for something simpler for the price.

i've just received and erected the NH Tagar 2 model (single skin, 1.3kg) as was similar design to my old phoenix phreeranger tent that i liked. happy for the price- don't mind a bit of condensation..

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