Taking Ice Tools on Easy Jet flights

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 riojaiv 16 Jun 2023

Would you advise protecting picks, etc, on icetools and putting them INSIDE a piece of small hold luggage?

Does easyJet accept this?


 LucaC 16 Jun 2023
In reply to riojaiv:

I've traveled easyJet in the past with ice tools inside my hold luggage. I took the picks off and wrapped them in cardboard to make packing easier and stop them putting holes in my waterproofs. Crampons were fine in their normal crampon bag too. 

 BruceM 16 Jun 2023
In reply to riojaiv:

That's how I've always done it, but how else would you do it?

 mutt 16 Jun 2023
In reply to BruceM:

I managed to take crampons in my hand luggage once. Caused a bit of a caffuffle but the ground security passed me through. You'll be fine if it's all the hold but heed the cardboard as picks will not play well with the luggage handlers. 

 Fiona Reid 16 Jun 2023
In reply to riojaiv:

No issue whatsoever with ice axe etc in hold luggage.  We do it pretty much every year. Crampons are in their bag so not an issue. For the ice axe I just shove a pair of socks doubled back on themselves over the pointy bits and wrap some more clothes around it. 

OP riojaiv 17 Jun 2023
In reply to Fiona Reid:

Great!  Thanks!  Just needed some confirmation.  Best wishes

OP riojaiv 17 Jun 2023
In reply to mutt:

Great!  Thanks!  Just needed some confirmation.  Best wishes

OP riojaiv 17 Jun 2023
In reply to mutt:


 CantClimbTom 17 Jun 2023
In reply to riojaiv:

A short cut off bit of garden hose or car radiator hose over the point of the pick or ferule does the job...

However... if you do this (as I've done myself) because you don't have some proprietary rubber axe/pick protector for your axe. When you have it on the back of your rucksack some cable car operators get unhappy. It may be better to stop being tight like me and  buy that ice axe protector rubber do-dah 😉

(Oh and don't be like those first season alpinists. Take that rucksack with the ice tools and/or crampons off your back and carry it in your hand while in the cable car please so as not to accidentally injure others). 

Edit, yes get that rubber protector thing!! Just checked my right shin and I can still see the a small scar/depression from all those years ago where I tripped over my mates rucksack in Victoria coach station (London to Chamonix Eurolines coach) and fell onto my axe on my rucksack. Then terrified the driver would refuse me entry onto the coach if he saw how much blood was over my leg. Hadn't even got abroad before I picked up the first "climbing" injury 😆. The rubber do-dah would've avoided all that 

Post edited at 20:10

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