Help some Afghan mountain 'guides' this spring with their skills?

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 FreeloaderJoe 14 Dec 2023

I hope the moderators allow this. I run a small tourism project in Afghanistan - I've worked in some capacity in the country for about a decade as a journalist and in the past two years have set up Safarat ( The tours are lead by experienced photo journalists like myself and tend to focus on the country's social and political situation and provide income to local people including women who are allowed to work in hospitality. 

I am a climber and mountaineer myself and despite the focus of our project at the moment has been in the Pashtun south,  the draw of the mountains and hills of the north has been strong. I've also known a number of people involved in the various Ski challenges and mountain marathon style projects in Bamyan province for years and was a friend of Fernando Rollando the Italian mountain guide who ran “Alpistan” in the 2010’s.

We've recently started offering small scale trekking trips in the Shah Foladi mountains of Bamyan, and there are a core of excellent local men who are fit, strong and enthusiastic about climbing and mountaineering and desperate to be able to lead foreign clients on small trips in the mountains. There are a number of excellent overnight treks and climbs which involve glacier traverses and scrambly climbs which would benefit from some knowledge of confidence roping.

Sadly at the moment none of them have even the most basic of skills which limits them to low level walking in the summer time with guests.

What I am looking for is an accredited mountain guide who might be interested this spring in offering a couple of weeks of their time to take part in a small training project to benefit a group of 4-5 local men. I’m thinking of a kind of winter skills course as well as some basic first aid and planning followed by a couple of small ‘expeditions’ to test the groups skills.

 I’m happy to pay for the guides flights and I would of course be able to provide food and accommodation for them.

Safarat is currently running at a considerable, considerable loss at the moment - we are paying the salaries of our drivers and various others every month to make sure that people have income all the time. Although I hope the ‘guides’ will benefit our project in the long run (please god), the guides will of course be able to work for whoever they want and more and more foreign tourists are finding themselves in Bamyan. I really hope it also brings more foreigners into the villages, into homestays and spending money!

I've also personally donated various bits of kit to various people in the villages, but I’m also on the lookout for a few sets of old crampons, ice axes and B2 compatible boots (sizes 41/42/43) as well as any other climbing equipment that anyone is interested in donating. Even stuff like high quality daypacks are impossible to get hold of in Afghanistan and even if they could be bought, salaries for these guys are less than $1000 a year if they are doing well. 

Anyone who is interested can give me a ring or send  me a whastapp or email. I'm on 07458 611 911 or [email protected] 

I know there are a huge amount of ethical questions about working in Afghanistan at the moment. Believe me we have thought carefully about them - I don't want to write a long essay here. 

 Alex Riley 14 Dec 2023
In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

Steve Long is the man to speak to, he's set up and run training schemes all over the world for similar situations.

OP FreeloaderJoe 14 Dec 2023
In reply to Alex Riley:

Alex thanks so much - I will definitely speak with Steve. 

OP FreeloaderJoe 14 Dec 2023
In reply to Alex Riley:

If anyone has a contact email or number for Steve Long then that would be fantastic - his personal websites seem to have been taken down. I will try and contact him via UIAA otherwise. 

In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

> If anyone has a contact email or number for Steve Long then that would be fantastic - his personal websites seem to have been taken down. I will try and contact him via UIAA otherwise. 

If your on Facebook his is active on there. 

 galpinos 14 Dec 2023
In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

I'll e-mail him and make him aware of this thread.

OP FreeloaderJoe 14 Dec 2023
In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

Thanks everyone I am in touch with Steve now.

 Jones_88 14 Dec 2023
In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

Would  you rather a donated ice axe or money to buy gear ? 

OP FreeloaderJoe 15 Dec 2023
In reply to Jones_88:

Hello that is a very kind offer - at the moment due to the fact I don't have a well formulated plan I don't want to accept any kind of financial donations. I spoke with Steve last night at length and we are going to put our heads together and see if we can make something with a slightly longer legacy.   

Saying that, the guys we work with at the moment are always desperate for any kind of mountain equipment and every time I'm back in Bamyan there is always someone who I've promised something to.

If anyone has a spare set of 10/12 point type crampons, a 55cm ish standard mountaineering ice axe, spare 35/40l day packs, decent waterproofs/down in size med/small  and boots I will distribute them to the guys when I'm back in country next month.  They would be absolutely over the moon and the kit will be used to death. Backpacks are particularly sought after as the ones in the bazaar are total rubbish and all very small and the blokes always end up hauling other peoples stuff. 

I'm at 23b Wernbrook Street, London SE18 7RU and If you include a mobile phone number I'll make sure the guys send you some photos of them in use via WhatsApp.

Post edited at 11:05

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