Driving to Courmayeur

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 Squashringer 22 May 2023

Any suggestions for the best route once we've arrived at the Calais end of the Eurotunnel? Issues seem to include* the cost of a Mt Blanc Tunnel ticket, * being unsure if we'll arrive on the day booked, and what happens if we pass through just after midnight instead of just before, * many hours extra driving of we go via Seez? * Whether the works currently scheduled to close the tunnel two days before we pass through (Sun Jun 25) might be postponed. Other issues? All thoughts gratefully received. Many thanks.

 DaveHK 22 May 2023
In reply to Squashringer:

Do you have to prebook tunnel tickets now? We've always just tooled up and paid at the booth. TBH anything other than going through the tunnel is a massive pain in the neck if you just want to get to Courmayeur. It's well worth the money for the tunnel in my opinion.

Post edited at 18:54
 aostaman 22 May 2023
In reply to Squashringer:

DaveHK is right, pay on arrival.  Locals (as I was for a while) buy books of ten, for everyone else,…..don’t see it as an issue, it’s just a cost like tolls and fuel or food.

The tunnel works will not be postponed. Don’t think of going round unless you really like driving!,,,

Best route, use Google, 

 MG 22 May 2023
In reply to aostaman:

Worth noting the books of 10 last two years, are transferable between vehicles, and pay off after I think 3 trips

 MG 22 May 2023
In reply to Squashringer:

> Any suggestions for the best route once we've arrived at the Calais end of the Eurotunnel? 

French autoroutes are much the quickest but pricey. Calais to Courmayeur non stop is a long, long way. Best to have a break.

Post edited at 21:36
 HardenClimber 23 May 2023
In reply to aostaman:

The calender with closures doesn't always open well on mobiles, but those closures are overnight ( from early evening)

 Sam W 23 May 2023
In reply to Squashringer:

I've done this drive loads of times, solo, with friends and more recently with kids.  Best option comes down to how you value time against money.

If you're in no hurry, cheapest but slowest option is to avoid the peage the whole way.  Fuel in Luxembourg is often cheaper than France, so filling up there saves a few more £s.  It's a pleasant drive, lots of small French towns so chance to stop at cafes and buy croissants from boulangeries.  It's not really practical to do this route in one hit on your own, but with two drivers would be just about ok as long as you kept a careful eye on breaks and tiredness.  But going back to the beginning, if you're in no hurry, break the journey up and enjoy seeing a bit more of France on your journey.

If time is important, definitely take the peage.  It's quicker, but it's also a much less tiring type of driving so less time needed to recuperate before getting stuck into activities in Courmayeur.  Google Maps will tell you the quickest route.  Depending on ferry times and number of drivers you may want an overnight break, we usually find Dijon area a good bet.

Whichever option you take, I would definitely use the MB tunnel for the final part of the journey, anything else is just not worth the effort.  They do a return ticket which saves lots of £s over 2 singles, but it's only valid for 7 days.

 Rob Exile Ward 23 May 2023
In reply to Squashringer:

If you're going to drive across France a lot, getting a Tag is worth considering - costs about £15 a year but it means you can go through toll booths at 30kph without stopping, scrabbling for cash or credit card. You can legitimately share them with your mates as well, though obv not at the same time.

 Philb1950 23 May 2023
In reply to Squashringer:

If you want to get there quickly, but not cheaply, autoroutes, via Rheims, Dijon and Geneva and is motorway all the way. Buying a Tag is also beneficial. I drive to Cham maybe three or four times a year and always do it in one, usually eight hrs or thereabouts from Calais, including fuel and coffee stops. It’s also worth considering that in summer and busy periods there can be hours of delay at the tunnel.

OP Squashringer 25 May 2023

Many thanks, everyone. 

Yes, I misunderstood.  We pay at the tunnel on arrival, not pre booking.

Time is of the essence,  so we'll  motorway away!

Thanks again,  everyone.

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