Wright's Rock - Limited access restored

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 Team BMC 19 Jun 2023

From 5th August 2023 the following access arrangement will apply:

- Parties wishing to climb must send an advance request email to - [email protected]
- This email is to include name, and photo ID for each person, and the date you wish to climb.
- Request response will be by return email.
- Currently the owner is allowing access on Saturdays only. They may consider Sundays at a later date, depending on how well this arrangement works out.


- If you enter, traverse the land/climb it is totally at your own risk. You are granted access on the understanding you are competent and have assessed all risks present.
- Be aware that shooting takes place in this land outside of access times.
- Please pre-book (see above) with at least a weeks notice. First come, first served.  Only enter once we confirm.
- Pre-booking is maintain numbers to six or less and reduce noise/disturbance within the SSSI.
- Leave by 5pm OR dusk whichever is the soonest.
- Access through the gate, please don't climb the fences or over the gate.
- No dogs.

“Keep quiet please – we can hear everything – the rock reflects and amplifies sound to us when going about our business below.”

 Jon Read 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Team BMC:

Well done in restoring some access; sounds a bit like a GDPR nightmare for the owners to manage, though!

OP Team BMC 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Jon Read:

I had a discussion with the owner on site (prior to the recent ban) and did suggest when the idea of an email booking system was mentioned, that it was likely to be a logistical nightmare and no small hassle. I hope it works out nonetheless.

It's very far from ideal, but to be fair the owner did say (and it was noted on the RAD) that this, or a continuation of the full ban would be the outcome if the previous arrangement broke down.

 spenser 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Jon Read:

Given how much stuff could be accessed using a driving licence or a passport I am not sure I would feel comfortable sending it to someone just because they are a landowner.

Surely it would be less onerous on them and remove the massive data protection compliance risk which they have created if they have a list of names and if the landowner comes over and anyone is there who can't show photo ID confirming they are on the list they have to leave.

The BMC have done good work in regaining us access, although I find the landowner's preferred solution here a bit concerning.

OP Team BMC 19 Jun 2023
In reply to spenser:

I'll pass on the GDPR/ID concerns and your suggested solution Spenser.

OP Team BMC 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Team BMC:

I passed on the suggestion regards bringing photo ID with you rather than sending by email. The owner is fine with this. I'll amend the RAD entry accordingly.

 spenser 19 Jun 2023
In reply to Team BMC:

That's excellent news!

It seemed a bizarre choice and requiring photo ID to be carried made so much more sense!

 C Witter 19 Jun 2023
In reply to spenser:

It's great, Spenser, that through your passing comment, you could inject a drop of common sense into this bizarre situation, even though it remains an unfair and onerous restriction of access agreement.

 Dominic Green 20 Jun 2023

Props to all involved, BMC access team and landowner. I know that the BMC has undergone a bit of turmoil over recent times but the access work is probably the most valuable thing it does and this is just a great example of how important it is. 


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