Range West birds

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Anyone in there on the BH weekend and have the latest on where they are/aren't this year (i.e. did anyone snap a photo of the map of restrictions)? Any deviation from the typical year?


 BMC Cymru 31 May 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Check Out the https://www.thebmc.co.uk/modules/RAD/

There are also leaflets produced by the BMC and Pembroke Coast National Park for Range East that are near the gates on entry. 

In reply to kevin stephens:

> Have you not seen the other threads bemoaning peoples ignorance or lazyness in consulting the on line BMC RAD?

Yes. Have you looked at the RAD entries for range west?
You still very much need to get the latest info from the guardhouse (or from Lynne) before climbing. Just trying to do some forward planning. 

In reply to BMC Cymru:

Thanks. I know about the RAD and the signboards, but was asking on the offchance I might get a heads-up on any additional restrictions specifically in Range West before getting down there. Already have the 2023 leaflet for Range East.

The RAD is a wonderful thing, but for Range West it is very much a picture of the typical year, and (as stated at the briefings) needs supplementing with any corrections or additions from the guardhouse when booking onto the range. Was just trying to get ahead of the game.

Post edited at 12:10
 kevin stephens 31 May 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder: point taken

 MD 31 May 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

I've uploaded a photo of the nesting restrictions from last weekend's briefing to my gallery 

In reply to MD:


Looks the same as what I had, so I'll take lack of annotations to mean it's still the most up to date version available. Cheers.

 Robin Mazinke 31 May 2023
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

If I understood correctly, for both range east and west, all of the restrictions in place are the same as last year, no new ones and none have been lifted early. Will be a few more weeks until they can decide if any will be lifted early.   

In reply to Robin Mazinke:

Thanks. That's exactly what I was after.

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