Dropper seatpost service lifespan

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 DR 04 Sep 2023

Had my dropper seatpost repaired earlier this year and it's lasted 10 rides before blowing out again. Not happy and local bike shop that did the job has not returned my call. Would anyone else expect it to last longer than this and be as hacked off as I am? It's 7 years old and been repaired 3 times before.



 snoop6060 04 Sep 2023
In reply to DR:

What model was it and has it been serviced correctly? 

OP DR 04 Sep 2023
In reply to DR:

Rockshox Reverb Stealth and yes serviced properly.

 Dax H 04 Sep 2023
In reply to DR:

Even serviced properly things can go wrong, I once had a 30k machine siezed up and destroy it's self because the OEM overhaul kit I ordered had a part in it that was only a few thousandths of an inch out of tolerance but it was enough. 

Re the not answering your call, a lot of small shops that open on a Saturday have Monday off, could be that.

Give them the benefit of the doubt and the opertunity to sort it. 

In reply to DR:

I’ve never had a Rockshox one so can’t really comment on that brand.

However, I have a friend who used to have a Rockshox dropper and had no end of problems with it. Didn’t like cold conditions was a common problem for example. In and out of LBS for repairs; sometimes only weeks apart. She eventually gave up on it on the advice of her LBS and got another brand and has never had any problems since. (Sample size of one so take what you wish from that).

As an aside largely, none of my other brand droppers have ever been serviced as such and the current oldest is 4.5 years old or so now. Never had any problems with any dropper I’ve had so haven’t bothered with full servicing!!

A couple have had minor tinkering and cleaning when they got a bit slow, sticky or whatever, but easily DIY sorted. Maybe coincidentally the cheapest model I have is on a fat bike and it’s had salt spray/water and sand blown/mud splashes often, but it’s been the best overall (no problems ever) with the only care it’s had is a wash after each use to get rid of salt, sand etc. Maybe I’ve just been lucky.

Post edited at 19:06
 gethin_allen 04 Sep 2023
In reply to DR:

reverb posts seem to have a terrible reputation for reliability.

How much is the service cost? you can buy brand-x /trans-x CRC/wiggle own brand posts really cheap (~£100) these days and they are perfectly good.

 magma 05 Sep 2023
In reply to DR:

I've got a reverb dropper if you're interested (working afiak-never installed it tho). what 's your drop?

Post edited at 09:48
 ChrisJD 05 Sep 2023
In reply to DR:

You've got a RS Reverb that lasted SEVEN years !

I've got a box full of broken (early) reverbs, most people felt lucky if the early ones lasted 12 months, so you've done well to get seven years out of one.

OP DR 09 Sep 2023
In reply to DR:

Thanks for all the replies. The LBS hasn't replied so I'm going to buy a Brand X dropper and get that fitted elsewhere. No point in trying to repair the Reverb and not worth it in my mind spending more money on what seems to be inherently unreliable kit.



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