Climbing & Yoga Intensive

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Removed User 29 Sep 2021

This residential retreat is all about how to get more out of your climbing.  You’ll receive expert coaching, as well as an appraisal of your current strengths and weaknesses, so you can head into the winter months with clear strategies to accelerate your performance.

Over three days we’ll look at how to refine movement patterns so you can climb more efficiently, show you how to develop your route-reading skills and offer you practical tactics that will build confidence.  In addition, there’s a masterclass on steep climbing, covering a range of techniques that will make a massive difference to how you approach everything from near vertical to over-hanging routes.  

Morning and evening yoga sessions are designed to build both your range of movement and “end of range” strength.  Plus, you’ll learn breath techniques to help you stay calm, “drills” to build core strength and yoga flows to improve balance, flexibility and proprioception.

Open to climbers of varying abilities, it’s a chance to connect with like-minded folk, develop clearer goals and re-boot your enthusiasm!

We’ll be basing ourselves at Kendal Wall and Nab Cottage.  All meals and accommodation are included.

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