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Styhead Tarn
©Neil Higgins
Camera used: Canon 5D
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VOTING: from 112 votes
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User Comments

The last of the sun hits Great End ....
Neil Higgins - 12/Apr/07
Hi Neil.
Could you post some photos of Lakeland scenery reflected in serene water please.
Fiend - 12/Apr/07
Lovely pic - perfect light
sjbutterworth - 13/Apr/07
Amazing shot, nice one.
Even more amazed it hasn't got a rubbish vote from some idiot yet though!
Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH - 13/Apr/07
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
Charles Arthur - UKC - 15/Apr/07
Great one Neil. My brother and I used to bivvy in this spot on a regular basis while tramping up to Scafell. Dropped my soap in there in 1962 - might still be there...Wrights Coal Tar, if anyone finds it...
bergalia - 15/Apr/07
Thanks everyone.
Paul - thanks, but no need to be amazed now :)
Neil Higgins - 16/Apr/07
Congratulations! This photo was chosen as Photo of the Week, based on votes by registered users over the past 7 days.
Charles Arthur - UKC - 22/Apr/07
beautiful photo!
LeeAkeroyd - 22/Apr/07
Hunter72 - 22/Apr/07
Hey, Just wondering how you got the image in the water so clear, is it a photoshop of did you use some clever mix of polarisers and other filtery bits??
bsmason - 23/Apr/07
Thanks, the only filter used was a neutral graduated one to even out the light between the sky and the foreground, most of the clear detail is down to the use of an expensive Canon lens.
Neil Higgins - 23/Apr/07
Incredible colour. Beautiful shot.
Adrian Bates - 31/Aug/07
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This picture is copyright. Photo added April 12 2007.
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