NEW ROUTE CARD: Suilven via the Falls of Kirkaig

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Not simply one of Scotland's greatest small mountains, but among the most remarkable of any height, Suilven is a classic inselberg, or island peak, rising shark fin-like out of a rippled sea of low-lying knolls and lochans. An alluring sight in distant views, and a long haul from any start point, Suilven combines a stunning and remote setting with an exciting ridge walk along its airy spine, to give you a mountain adventure with few equals. The popular northern approach from Lochinver counts as the easy option, and can even be mountain biked much of the way; on the other hand the less-trodden southern assault from Inverkirkaig has a more rugged feel, passing the impressive Falls of Kirkaig, and offering a nice contrast between the pretty birch woods of the approach and the wild moorland of the interior. While it's possible to combine north and south in a big loop, the linear version described here is probably far enough for most folk.

14.23 miles, 22.90 km, 1,281m ascent, 7:30 – 9:30 hours. Lochinver

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 Mal Grey 17 May 2024
In reply to Dan Bailey -

Of course the real answer, to avoid the boggy word mentioned in the first two sections, is to canoe in to the foot of the hill from Loch Veyatie and onto Fionn Loch. Though this does miss out the excellent Kirkaig Falls; you can visit them via a short detour afterwards. 

From your gear test review on the cookware, I'm guessing you actually camped somewhere near the west end of Fionn Loch. Lovely view!

I thought the eroded path below Bealach Mor was pretty unpleasant, but not basically unsafe with care.

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