What to climb in the Alps in August?

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 jkbdrn 13 May 2024

Looking for a little advice on what is possible in the Alps in August. Obviously there are a lot of factors here but I'll narrow it down a bit:


  • Are reasonably experienced rock climbers up to about HVS 
  • Have a couple of Scottish winter seasons behind us, nothing crazy but happy with crampon and tool usage etc.
  • Are flexible on location as we'll be driving down and camping  

Work and life dictate that the trip will be in August, which I think is quite late on the season for a lot of routes involving snow.

We really want to get out in the mountains climbing and are flexible about what kind of routes, but is it too late to go in August?

Presumably people are out there climbing at that time, so how do I go about researching routes with approaches that won't be impacted by later season heat?

Any advice, ideas or signposting to relevant info much appreciated. 


 wbo2 14 May 2024
In reply to jkbdrn:

August is fine , but you'll be going rock climbing.  Some snowy stuff will be around, but it will be pretty thin/battered, Where depends on the weather, and local conditions

 Mark Haward 14 May 2024
In reply to jkbdrn:

Weather and conditions vary year to year, from area to area and from one aspect to another. For example; the Swiss 4,000 metre peaks accessed from Zermatt, the two Sass s or the Italian side sometimes stay in condition when elsewhere it has been so warm that routes have been stripped or become unstable.

   This website has lots of information that may help you:


Be flexible, be prepared to move around for the weather and conditions you want, there is always climbing and adventure to be had...

 CantClimbTom 14 May 2024
In reply to jkbdrn:

As August is so late in the season, be wary of stonefall. Stay safe

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