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Last updated on 24/Jan/2012


Rap Jumping is a highly advanced form of free-style rope work, the method we use is a forward free fall rappel, concentrating more on free fall.
100% Safety Record since 1989
Head Instructor Colin Greenwood gained certification with Macka Mackail Rap Jumping Australia. From 1989 to present he has run and owned Jump sites in Australia, New Zealand and Spain, and is also an IRATA L2 Rope Access Technician, hence all employee's are thoroughly trained and will instruct novice to advanced Rap Jumpers on every jump.
You are in total control of your speed of decent. From novice to advanced jumpers, we use a back up brake-person to insure your safety on every jump.
You to can enjoy the thrills & adventure's of Rap Jumping. Based in London N4 we are offering x3 jumps, full instructed off the Castle Climbing Centre's 150ft tower.


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