NEW ROUTE CARD: Edale fell race

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Edale from Kinder, 3 kbA short local race with a steep start and some very technical, rocky terrain...

4.72 miles, 7.59 km, 391m ascent, 0:33 – 2:15 hours. Edale village

 Banned User 77 18 Jun 2012
In reply to Nick Smith - UKC: Kinder Trog this weekend.. another peak classic. From Hayfield side.
In reply to IainRUK: I'd love to do that one, but I'm crewing in the WHW. Perhaps next year.

Would you like to create a Route Card for the Kinder Trog?

 Banned User 77 19 Jun 2012
In reply to Nick Smith - UKC: Aye sure, I'll do it after the race.. 90% sure I'm doing it.

Aye forgot. Good luck, and good luck to Alicia. I emailed someone else about this weekend and they are helping Gaynor. Those 2 could be pretty close.

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