Ski touring Jura Mountains

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 joeydurkin 11 Feb 2019


Has anyone got any experience of ski touring in the Jura Mountains. I’m currently based in Geneva and looking for idea away from Chamonix. 

 bigbobbyking 11 Feb 2019
In reply to joeydurkin:

When I lived in Geneva did a few after work night time tours up Reculet when the snow was good. But it you want touring from Geneva that's not chamonix I would go for the hills either side of the Autoroute Blanche. Theres lots there and a bit more mountainous and more reliable snow than Jura...

 Doug 11 Feb 2019
In reply to joeydurkin:

Jura is great for XC skiing but I'd go elsewhere for alpine style ski touring

OP joeydurkin 11 Feb 2019

Thanks for your time in replying. 

 deepstar 11 Feb 2019
In reply to joeydurkin:

I've done some easy tours between the ski resorts of Col de la Faucille and Crozets. Fantastic views of Mont Blanc etc, bivvying out on Colomby de Gex, nothing technical but good fun. Once you've left the resorts you'll see very few people but if you are lucky you might spot Chamois or Wild Boar.

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