Gear required for Ski touring in UK (Pennines)

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SteveNotlob 15 Dec 2019

Hello everyone.

I am an unfit 50+ looking to start getting myself in shape again.

I am an intermediate skier on groomed pistes but would like to start doing a bit of cross country / touring type skiing.

Is there a de-facto site that gives all the info I need on equipment requirements / recommendations? Or, any clubs in the NW UK that can help me get going?

I live in Lancashire and would love to 'explore' areas near me. Namely Peak district, Pennines and Lake District area.

I know these areas are 'snow-limited' but it would give me a good start before I explore more remote areas...

Many thanks.


Rigid Raider 15 Dec 2019
In reply to SteveNotlob:

With repect you're going to be waiting a long time for snow to get fit. Do you go cycling? It's an excellent way of getting fit for ski touring in between the rare bouts of skiable snow.

 gooberman-hill 15 Dec 2019
In reply to SteveNotlob:

I would have thought that a Nordic cross country ski like a Rossignol BC65 or BC75 would be about right.


SteveNotlob 20 Dec 2019
In reply to deepstar:

Thanks, just joined - it looks exactly like what I needed ! 

SteveNotlob 20 Dec 2019
In reply to Rigid Raider:

Thanks for the input. I am currently looking into getting a mountain bike to cover part of my journey to work. I used to love cycling but like a lot of things, just got left behind as i got interested in other things! 

 Dan Arkle 20 Dec 2019
In reply to SteveNotlob:

I'd regard it as something to do when you are fit on the rare occasions that conditions are good. I get out in the Peak most years - it's rarely quality skiing, and on many occasions I'd cover ground far quicker on foot. 

However its a novelty, and great fun to get out. My best day was over Bleaklow, down to Glossop and then hitching back up the Snake Pass.

Regarding kit, get second hand skis, as they are going to get trashed. 

 didntcomelast 21 Dec 2019
In reply to SteveNotlob:

Evening Steve. I had the same thought a few years ago. Got in touch with a company based in the south of England and after explaining I wanted some kit to ski the old tracks and rail lines in the north Pennines I was kitted out with skis, bindings and boots for less than £200. Despite all the negative bods saying there’s never enough snow, I’ve been out every winter and was skiing at Nenthead last Sunday. Cross country skiing is not easy in England but it’s great fun and a great way to get around when the snow comes. 

Have a look at for some reasonable kit. 

Post edited at 18:44

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