Summer Spine

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 echo34 11 Jun 2022

Anyone running the Summer Spine/Challenger/sprint next weekend? 

 maybe_si 12 Jun 2022
In reply to echo34:

Yep, Challenger

In reply to echo34:

I am - at least in theory - down to do the Full Spine, but the last week has presented a few challenges - namely my whole family catching COVID (my wife tested positive last Tuesday and my daughter/son tested positive on Monday). As a result I keep expecting to get it, but so far have continued to test negative.

Here's to hoping...

Are you taking part in any of the various versions - Sprint, Challenger or Full Spine?

In reply to maybe_si:

My initial question was going to be 'what's your number' so I can watch your dot, but given that I'm going to be a dot I'm guessing that (all being well) I won't be able to dot watch you.

OP echo34 16 Jun 2022
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Well that’s bad timing! Hopefully all works out for you. How’s the training been for the full Spine? 
I’m just doing the sprint this year as my last long run before Lakeland100. 

good luck with the race 

In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Update: I did not continue to test negative 😭

 maybe_si 16 Jun 2022
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:


 Edshakey 16 Jun 2022
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

So unlucky! That's a real shame.

Winter spine instead?

 Tyler 16 Jun 2022
In reply to Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing:

Well that’s just shite. Sorry to hear that, I guess the worst of it is you’ll have to do the winter one now instead. 

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