Spine Challenger (Winter) Kit

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 drunken monkey 24 Oct 2022

Anyone on here done any of the winter spine races?

Looking for recommendation of a sleeping bag that's nice and light but meets the requirement of a 0c comfort rating.

Thanks in advance

 dread-i 24 Oct 2022
In reply to drunken monkey:

Alpkit Pipe Dream 400, is the cheapo default that will pass. There are also some smaller, lighter, more expensive ones that pass.

There is an Official Spine Group page on that social media site, where these sort of things are discussed in detail. Good luck, btw

In reply to dread-i:

Thanks mate - i've requested to join said group, just waiting on the moderators to approve.

Will check out the one you recommended though. Cheers

 maybe_si 24 Oct 2022
In reply to drunken monkey:

Thermarest Hyperion seems a popular choice.... I'm doing the Winter Sprint and have had one in my online basket for ages but not committed to buying it yet!  I'm struggling with the knowledge that it will almost certainly stay in its stuff sac and I'll never have any use for it again.  Someone posted something about I think it was Rab that do a sleeping bag hire... might look at that instead.

In reply to maybe_si:

That's a good shout and worth an enquiry. Like you say, Its a fair outlay and it'll probably not see much use. And fingers crossed it wont be required during the race!

Fully appreciate the need for decent mandatory kit however.

 Mattyk 26 Oct 2022
In reply to drunken monkey:

Hi. I've entered this winters MRT challenger  - i brought a pipedream 600, although a little bit heavier and bulkier i justified that i might actually use it as i like sleep and intend to in the race ; it would come in for other adventures ( although i do have n other sleeping bags). Alpkit seem to have sales as often as DFS so i just waited for one of them.

I have just about sourced all the other bits and bobs, some of the people i know who have done said race are really into it and so have invested over the years in super duper kit. I'm all for making do and investing where it will be used long term. I suspect this race is a one off for me so have been cautious on my spends.


In reply to drunken monkey:

I am on the winter spine challenger: first timer. Recently ordered a hyperion 32 in a rock and run sale, v light and small so happy with that. The lightest bag I had otherwise that met the kit requirement is over 1kg heavier so this feels like a good investment 

Took 7.5kg of kit out for an overnight recce of the last 37 miles last week, the weight gave me back ache so definitely more practice needed with the pack

In reply to get to the punchline:

What pack are you using mate? I've got the Montane Gecko VP20 but thinking i'll need a chest pack as well. Want to get a sleeping bag sorted as that will probably determine what space i have left for everything else!

In reply to Mattyk:

Nice one Matt - will keep an eye on the Alpkit website - i've not taken the plunge yet.

Rab seem to be recommending their Neutrino 400 bag. Anyone got any first hand experience of how this would stack up against the pipedream 400 by way of weight and compressed size?

 shuffle 27 Oct 2022
In reply to drunken monkey:

I'm also in the MRT challenger and have done the Challenger before as well as working on race safety. 

I'd echo the suggestion to hire a bag if you don't otherwise need one. Also, it's worth considering a warmer bag if you plan to sleep in it as the 0c rating isn't likely to be very comfy!

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