Paul Tierney, Tiaan Erwee, Nicky Spinks, Damian Hall in Tor des Geants

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 mountainbagger 11 Sep 2022

Paul Tierney, Tiaan Erwee & Nicky Spinks started Friday in the 450km glaciers race from Courmayeur. I believe Nicky is currently second woman < two days into the race. Tiaan is, currently, second overall.

Damian started just now in the classic 330km race.

Background for Nicky, Paul and Damian here:

Live tracking here:

Post edited at 09:10
In reply to mountainbagger:

Argh! Can't edit the title...not enough characters anyway but also Kim Collison in the 330km!

I think Damian and Kim are just behind the leader in 2nd and 3rd but it's way too early to read anything into that!

And Sabrina Verjee is placed pretty well amongst the women.

Post edited at 12:07
In reply to mountainbagger:

It’s one dot-watching bonanza to the next this last week isn’t it?!

In reply to mountainbagger:

Sabrina Verjee has finished the 330km race in 5th place overall and first woman. Also, first Brit.

Damian Hall unfortunately appears to have gone off route at some point so has dropped a few places.

In the longer race, the finish is approaching (at least for those right at the front)!

See live tracker link in OP for more info

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