iPhone interval app - Strava compatible

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 James Malloch 18 Oct 2022

Does anyone know of an iPhone app which can record running intervals (mainly interested in cadence, and pace for each interval)?

Ideally I would be able to upload it to Strava but that’s not a deal breaker.

Don't have my watch with me so need something which can be ran straight off the iPhone.

 Gareth 18 Oct 2022
In reply to James Malloch:

Hi - used ismooth run for years pace, cadence, speed, steps, stride length and all the usual height and distance metrics..  It will cost but can be used for a whole host of different sports

OP James Malloch 18 Oct 2022
In reply to Gareth:

Cheers for that. Can you set it to track for 2 mins on, 1 min off? Or things to that effect?

And will it give any kind of notification to let you know when work/rest is over?

 ianstevens 19 Oct 2022
In reply to James Malloch:

The strava app and a timer app?

OP James Malloch 19 Oct 2022
In reply to ianstevens:

That’s the simplest, but nice to have my phone away rather than pressing stop/start every minute.

But that’s how I’m doing it at the moment and it does work.

 Jenny C 19 Oct 2022
In reply to James Malloch:

I've just installed Tabata app. 

Not used it yet, but can run in parallel to Strava on your phone, and set your own rest/exercise periods. Once started your phone can stay in a pocket.

 Gareth 19 Oct 2022
In reply to James Malloch:

Hi James - sorry for the late reply, completely programmable intervals, time, pace, distance etc with helpful reminders through your headphones if you wear them

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