Alpine multi-day run ideas

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 Trossachs 12 Jul 2022

Hi everyone, I’m looking for inspiration for a multi-day run in the Alps. Three or four days of 25-35km each. Staying in huts or towns and running over trails, but some easy scrambling would also be fine. Date of the trip is likely to be late May or early June. All route ideas welcome - I’m not particularly set on a specific bit of the Alps. Thank you 😊

 Mike-W-99 12 Jul 2022
In reply to Trossachs:

The x-alpine has just finished. Might give you some inspiration, not sure on huts given the time of year you’d be thinking of though.

 SouthernSteve 12 Jul 2022
In reply to Mike-W-99:

You could look at the walkers Haute Route as a possibility, you would need to watch the huts are open in May.

In reply to Trossachs:

Unless you take an axe and some form of crampons, you may well have to restrict yourself to below 2500m, or else be careful with route choice. I wouldn't recommend walkers haute route in late may.

 Herdwickmatt 12 Jul 2022
In reply to Trossachs:

I've posed this question here before a long while ago, I think the general thinking was along the lines of that there might be lots of snow still and lots of the huts could still be closed. 

You could try Slovenia, I think when we went it was around that time and the huts were open and snow wasn't a problem. Does it have to be the Alps? Or is just European good enough?

As always, I would highly recommend Northumberland.... yes, it might be cold and raining, yes it might be boggy, yes you might need to run bits of the same, but I can guarantee solitude and silence! :-P

 HomerTheFat 13 Jul 2022
In reply to Trossachs:

have a look at 

 Dark-Cloud 13 Jul 2022
In reply to Trossachs:

Some good Swiss ones to go at

Somebody mentioned the X-Alpine so following on from that and using some of the same areas

Just over the hill towards Zermatt

Third one probably a bit short and i reckon could probably be pushed in a day easy if moving fast, i'm thinking of giving this one a go over two days with a cheeky bivvy

OP Trossachs 13 Jul 2022

Thanks everyone. I was wondering if snow might be an issue. I've not been out to the Alps since the early 2000s so don't really have a sense of where the snowline is in early June these days.

OP Trossachs 13 Jul 2022
In reply to HomerTheFat:

Fantastic site, thanks.

OP Trossachs 13 Jul 2022
In reply to Herdwickmatt:

Slovenia an option I hadn't thought of. Northumberland... I have enough cold, rainy, boggy runs in Scotland thanks

OP Trossachs 13 Jul 2022
In reply to Dark-Cloud:

Will check out these routes, cheers.

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