Monte Viso

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A mate and I are heading to Monte Viso tomorrow with a plan to climb the East Ridge over the weekend.  We'll be based at the Quintino Sella Refuge.  Does anyone know of any good routes/summits accessible from the hut that would make a good warm-up for the East Ridge?  I see there is a small crag near the hut but am struggling to find much information.  



 srah 15 Sep 2022
In reply to raliadsa skcalbwah:

ecalades en Queras pays du Viso guide book  gives a crag close to the hut with 10 routes, 3 to 4 pitch,  grade 5 to 6b. I'm sure there is info in the hut. We were there in the summer to do east ridge and it looked like good rock at that crag..Called Grand Cote

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