Mean old daddy speaks for the first time

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 Bob Kemp 18 Dec 2021

I found this interview with Joni Mitchell’s Carey fascinating. Even if you’re not particularly a fan it’s interesting, about that hippy time and lifestyle, and about what the experience of being the subject of an artist’s work is like:

russellcampbell 18 Dec 2021
In reply to Bob Kemp:

Thanks for the link. Above is link to Isle of Wight Festival to which the article refers. At one point in the  JM performance a man looking like the picture of Cary Raditz in the article seizes hold of the microphone and shouts about "Desolation Row." It turns out this didn't refer to the Dylan song but to a ramshackle collection of tents where people who had crashed the festival were living. He was huckled off the stage by security guards. Apparently this guy was known as "Yogi Joe" because he had taught Joni Mitchell yoga in Crete. Suggests to me that this was Cary Raditz.

If you haven't seen this I would recommend a watch. JM is looking radiant in a yellow dress and in fine voice despite all the distractions.

 Doug 18 Dec 2021
In reply to Bob Kemp:

Thanks for posting that.

 Myfyr Tomos 18 Dec 2021
In reply to Bob Kemp:

Thanks for that. Really interesting.

 wbo2 18 Dec 2021
In reply to Bob Kemp:  thanks.  I was surprised he was so different from what ( I thought) the song suggested 

OP Bob Kemp 19 Dec 2021
In reply to wbo2:

I was surprised that they'd kept in contact for so long. They both seem quite contradictory characters. His trajectory from hippy to financier was intriguing, if not entirely unusual. 

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