Sirhowy - upper upper tier?

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 springfall2008 18 May 2021


Does anyone know for Sirhowy how you access the "Upper Upper tier" as listed in UKC? It doesn't seem to be in the guidebook and UKC says "above the queen wall" which isn't listed as a wall.

Post edited at 08:43
 duncan 18 May 2021
In reply to springfall2008:

> It doesn't seem to be in the guidebook and UKC says "above the queen wall" which isn't listed as a wall.

These are in both the Climbers Club guidebook and the associated South Wales Climbing Wiki:

In reply to duncan:

Thanks for the link, that shows it clearly

In reply to springfall2008:

We went over there the other day, the route to the upper upper tier looks a bit dodgy and it was damp and we didn't have a spare rope (to use to attach to the big tree at the top) so decided to avoid it until next time.

 Murd 27 May 2021
In reply to springfall2008:

Forgive the hijack but was the crag dry? I was hoping to get there in the next few days. 

In reply to Murd:

Sorry I missed this one, it was seeping so some wet and some dry.

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