Glen Etive road closure.

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 atibbs 04 Jun 2021

Beinn Trilleachan (Etive Slabs)Highland Council advised that the lower section of the Glen Etive road would be closed for resurfacing from 26th April to 7th May 2021. A road closure notice remains at the end of the glen (or did do until very recently). Has anyone got any further information?

 adam clarke 04 Jun 2021
In reply to atibbs:

It was possible to drive all of the way to the pier at the end of the road last Sunday (30th May). It did look like works were still ongoing in places, so you might find that the road is closed during the week. Sorry can't offer anything more concrete than that

OP atibbs 04 Jun 2021
In reply to adam clarke:

> It was possible to drive all of the way to the pier at the end of the road last Sunday (30th May). It did look like works were still ongoing in places, so you might find that the road is closed during the week. Sorry can't offer anything more concrete than that

Many thanks for that. Heading that direction this weekend.

 kathrync 04 Jun 2021
In reply to atibbs:

Last Monday (the bank holiday), the road was passable at least as far as the parking for Stob Gabhar and the other munros in that group. There were several parties parked there, so it wasn't just me who made it through.

I drove through some areas of ongoing work, and passed a couple of Road Closed signs. There were no places where the road was actually blocked, and the few workers who were around didn't stop me. A stretch of maybe a couple of miles had been resurfaced between the time when I parked at ~7.30 am and when I left at ~5 pm - I don't know if this would have caused problems if I had arrived later or tried to leave earlier.

As an aside, the stretch that was resurfaced on that day appeared to have been surfaced with white sand - it was very slippery so take care!

 kathrync 04 Jun 2021
In reply to kathrync:

> Last Monday (the bank holiday), the road was passable at least as far as the parking for Stob Gabhar and the other munros in that group. There were several parties parked there, so it wasn't just me who made it through.

Ben Starav, sorry, not Stob Gabhar. Having a simultaneous conversation with someone else...

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