The Liathach Ridge TraverseFri Night Vid

© Anna Hazelnutt

In this video, Anna Hazlenutt and friends tackle the stunning Liathach Ridge Traverse, one of Scotland's great scrambles, that stands over Glen Torridon to the south and a great expanse of the Western Highlands towards Gairloch in the North.

The route tackles rough paths, high ridges and airy grade 2 scrambling. The full traverse shown in this video is considered one of the best days out on any Scottish hill, and takes in the high points of Sgurr a' Choire Bhig, Spidean a' Choire Leith and Mullach an Rathain.

The team had perfect weather on the ridge, sweating their way up the initial 800m ascent from sea level to the ridge where they were greeted by one of the best views anywhere. Hillwalkers might be quietly amused by the big deal they make of the descent: being strong boulderers doesn't count for half as much on a mountain day as having solid legs!

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