Sgurr Breac and A' Chailleach Walking

The two westerly peaks of the Fannaichs stand apart from the rest of the range, making them a logical objective as a pair. Offering pleasant ridge walking above craggy corries, these are hills of character, and while they feel quite wild the access is actually pretty easy by local standards.

A' Chailleach from Sgurr Breac  © Dan Bailey -
A' Chailleach from Sgurr Breac
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NH1618076112 Follow the road briefly southeast, then turn right onto a gated estate track. This leads alongside forestry to a footbridge over a burn near Loch a' Bhraoin. Turn left, cross the bridge, and follow a made path through the edge of the woods to the outflow from the loch. Go over another bridge here. If water levels are very high then it's worth now going left (east) onto a very muddy ATV track which leads to a further bridge ( NH163747) over to the east side of the Allt Breabaig.

NH1584274971 More pleasant than the above high water alternative is to follow the well-made stalker's path southeast and then south along the Allt Breabaig to a ford at NH162741. If crossing at this point looks doubtful when you get here, there's a continuation path along the west bank. However the easier trail traverses along the east flank of the glen, so it's worth crossing the burn if you can. Continue up-glen for around 4km, ascending to the saddle between Sgurr nan Clach Geala and Sgurr Breac.

NH1741470607 From a little stone-walled shelter built against a boulder, turn west and follow a rough path up the east spur of Sgurr Breac. Steep at first, with a couple of rocky outcrops tackled on the way, the ground becomes gentler as you follow the rim of the hill's northern crags to reach the summit cairn.
Sgurr nan Clach Geala from the east ridge of Sgurr Breac  © Dan Bailey -
Sgurr nan Clach Geala from the east ridge of Sgurr Breac
© Dan Bailey -

NH1581971120 Continuing west along the ridge, descend into the Bealach a' Choire Bhric. Climb over the top of Toman Choinich, then descend quite steep rocky ground to the Bealach Toll an Lochain. In clear weather it's possible to stash your pack here for the return leg.

NH1442471253 It's a steady ascent onto A' Chailleach. Beyond an interesting landslip feature, the ridge curves left to reach the summit. From here it's possible to descend the north ridge onto Sron na Goibhre, and in winter conditions this may be preferable.
Looking into Fisherfield from A' Chailleach  © Dan Bailey -
Looking into Fisherfield from A' Chailleach
© Dan Bailey -

NH1361871425 The standard route down the north ridge is fine, but perhaps more entertaining is the descent via Toll an Lochain. For this, return to the bealach, then head northeast to pick up a path that traverses the steep east flank of the corrie. Largely clear to follow, but quite rough and even a little exposed, this trail eventually joins the broad ridge of Druim Reidh.

NH1502172525 Follow the trail, boggy in places, north then northeast, to a cairn on Sron na Leitir Fhearna, the nose overlooking Loch a' Bhraoin. From here the path zigzags steeply downhill, before crossing the boggy lower slopes to rejoin the main trail back to the road.

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Further Routes

by Dan Bailey UKH

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