Am Faochagach Walking

This rounded, grassy Munro may lack instant charisma, and gets a not entirely undeserved reputation for the waterlogged approach, but it's also a fantastic viewpoint. The standard linear route described here is the shortest and most logical way up (and back). A relatively undemanding day, and one that's more rewarding than you might think, it's best saved for a dry spell, or a winter deep freeze when the bogs are firm.

The Fannaichs and Fisherfield hills from Am Faochagach  © Dan Bailey -
The Fannaichs and Fisherfield hills from Am Faochagach
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NH2773174258 From the north side of the road cross a stile, then follow the path northeast and then north over open moorland. The ground can be very squelchy in places, though after a dry spell the bogs aren't generally too fiendish. Water levels permitting, cross the Abhainn a' Gharbhrain at an island, or a point just to its west. If you've worn wellies thus far (not a bad ploy) they can be stashed here for the return.

NH2815475329 Turning right, the path winds along the base of old moraines to reach the foot of the hill. Now largely drier underfoot, albeit a bit peaty and eroded here and there, the trail climbs to meet the Allt na h-Uidhe, which is followed upstream past a series of little cascades. Parting company with the stream, continue northeast on a long steady climb onto the wide pass of the Drochaid a' Glas Tuill.

NH3039277026 Briefly boggy, the ground soon becomes drier and easier underfoot again as you follow the well-trodden trail north over a broad un-named top (844m). The vehicle track marked on the map turns out to be very vague on the ground, and where the trail is split in two take the left branch on the high ground for a rocky climb onto a second rounded top. Beyond a vague saddle is a final easy climb up grassy terraces to the plateau-like summit of Am Faochagach.

NH3034379361 Since it stands alone, at a distance from surrounding ranges, Am Faochagach offers fantastic long-range views taking in Beinn Dearg, Fisherfield, the Fannaichs and the distinctive peaks of the far north among many other hills. Combining this summit with another such as Cona' Mheall would be long and arduous, so the standard option is to retrace your steps all the way back down.

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Further Routes

by Dan Bailey UKH

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