Creag Mac Ranaich and Meall an t-Seallaidh Walking

Creag Mac Ranaich and Meall an t-Seallaidh are typical Corbetts – accessible yet generally overlooked by the masses; small-ish but by no means a pushover. Rising above the village of Lochearnhead, these neighbouring tops are a good bet for solitude. You’ll never be alone on nearby headliners like the Tarmachan Ridge or Ben More, yet from Creag Mac Ranaich and Meall an t-Seallaidh the view could be all your own. It’s a route of manageable length, but one that still packs a full Corbett quota of tough terrain, from the rocky crags and knobbles on top to the maze of peat hags in the glen below.

Heading for the summit of Creag Mac Ranaich, with not a crowd in sight  © Dan Bailey -
Heading for the summit of Creag Mac Ranaich, with not a crowd in sight
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NN5929123824 Head west through the village, then south along the A84. About 1km from the car park turn right onto a side road running uphill past a church and several houses. At a track junction go right to cross a bridge over an old railway line (now a cycling route). Bear left past a house and continue uphill through woods and pastures to Edinchip Farm. Follow the footpath sign past the farm, then just beyond turn right up a fence line to reach the disused railway.

NN5788622638 Cross a bridge over the railway, then take the farm track up into Glen Kendrum. After a little over 2km the track crosses the Kendrum Burn, then zigzags quite steeply up the heathery hillside before easing to make a long steady climb beside a burn, passing beneath the southeast crags of Creag Mac Ranaich to reach the broad, peaty pass that joins the two hills.
Creag Mac Ranaich from the Glen Kendrum track  © Dan Bailey -
Creag Mac Ranaich from the Glen Kendrum track
© Dan Bailey -, Jul 2014

NN5411024908 At the high point of the pass turn right off the track and climb the rugged west flank of Creag Mac Ranaich, following an intermittent line of stumpy fence posts up grassy ground between scattered rock outcrops. The path here is easily lost. Above this steep slope the trail winds vaguely through knobbly terrain, passing a cairn on a minor top to reach the marginally higher north summit.

NN5455525580 Retrace your steps back down to the pass, taking care not to stray too far left onto craggy ground. Cross the track on the pass, then head southwest. The route first weaves through unpleasant peat hags, then climbs the steep grass slope leading up to the obvious saddle between Meall an Fhiodain and Cam Chreag – again, occasional rusty fence posts show the way, and again there's no real path to speak of.

NN5373924376 At the saddle cut left, climbing onto the knobbly summit of Cam Chreag. Continue south along the broad ridge for the easy climb onto Meall an t-Seallaidh. The top is marked with a cairn and trig point.

NN5418523406 To descend head briefly southeast along the ridge, then bear left onto an obvious shoulder. Now descend the mountain's steep, grassy northeast flank, weaving slightly to avoid any rock outcrops – there is no trail. From point 695m follow a vague spur approximately north over rough soggy ground. As height is lost, trend right. Cross three burns to regain the Glen Kendrum track, and a long easy plod home.

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