Eyam Moor and Bretton Clough - Family Walk Walking

A secluded walk that starts high with views all around then drops down into Bretton Clough before gently climbing out again.
This short walk takes in some beautiful scenery on Eyam Moor where you get views to both the north gritstone edges, and south over the White Peak. The descent into, and climb out of, Bretton Clough are relatively gentle considering the height you actually lose and gain. All in all this makes an easy short walk, where you start high up and can reward yourself with a pub lunch at the finish. It is almost never busy here when the rest of the Peak is packed with walkers.

Crossing Eyam Moor © Alan James  © Alan James
Crossing Eyam Moor © Alan James
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Detailed description

SK2180577887 From the parking on the corner, head up the track towards the mast. Pass this on your right then take the path on the left across the moor.

SK2126778886 After dropping down towards the convergence of paths, take the wider path/track around the edge of the fields and overlooking Bretton Clough below.

SK2111879419 The track drops gently down to the valley base swinging back left and meeting another path where you turn left back up Bretton Clough.

SK2092778840 After crossing a small stream, head right across some open fields with several broken down dry-stone walls.

SK2055678460 Pass a strange split tree (that looks like a huge spider) then turn right into the woods and go up to a gate with a speed camera sign - not joking! You can go either left or right here since both paths lead up the hill to the same point.

SK2033078270 The path continues back to a surfaced road where you can either take a direct track back to the car, or make the detour via the Barrel Inn for a welcome refreshment.

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