Sgurr nan Clach Geala, Meall a' Chrasgaidh and Sgurr nan Each Walking

Comprising nine Munros linked by twisting, grassy ridges, the sprawling Fannaichs combine the drama of the northwest highlands with the open spaces of the east. This is a great place for striding out on long days over multiple summits. While it's possible to cover the lot in a single stretch, it's a tall order outside summer, and logistically tricky for transport either end. Munro baggers typically work through the hills over several more manageable visits, and the central peaks covered here make an excellent mid-length day, with some of the best ridge walking in the range.

Sgurr nan Clach Geala from Meall a' Chrasgaidh  © Dan Bailey -
Sgurr nan Clach Geala from Meall a' Chrasgaidh
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NH1617676113 Follow the road briefly southeast, then turn right onto a gated estate track. This leads alongside forestry to a footbridge over a burn near Loch a' Bhraoin. Turn left, cross the bridge, and follow a made path through the edge of the woods to the outflow from the loch. Go over another bridge here.

NH1584474969 If water levels are high then it's worth now going left (east) onto a very muddy ATV track which leads to a further bridge ( NH163747) over to the east side of the Allt Breabaig. However it's a lot more pleasant to stay with the well-made stalker's path southeast and then south along the Allt Breabaig to a ford at NH162741. Having crossed the burn, stay with the stalker's path for about 500m.

NH1653073660 Peel off the stalker's path, crossing heather to reach the slightly higher level ATV track described in stage 2. Follow this briefly, then head roughly east to climb the steepening western flank of Meall a' Chrasgaidh. With occasional traces of footfall rather than a path as such, climb a grassy slope with craggier ground to its left and deeper heather to its right, skirting right of any outcrops. The more gently-inclined northwest spur then leads easily to the cairn on top.

NH1848273325 Descend south, where a path leads to a broad, watery bealach. If you're not bagging Carn na Criche (it's just a Top, not a Munro) then stay right, following a path roughly south-southeast uphill to the outflow from a tiny lochan.
The enjoyable northeast ridge of Sgurr nan Clach Geala  © Dan Bailey -
The enjoyable northeast ridge of Sgurr nan Clach Geala
© Dan Bailey -, Oct 2021

NH1881472177 Continue more steeply uphill to reach a nearly level shoulder marking the start of the curving northeast ridge of Sgurr nan Clach Geala. this narrow, rocky crest gives an easy but enjoyably airy ascent to the shattered trig point marking the day's high point, on the most spectacular peak of the Fannaichs.

NH1842671495 Briefly follow the rim of the corrie crags south then southeast along the short summit crest, then pick up a path descending south down fairly steep grassy ground to the col of the Cadha na Guite. You'll be returning this way shortly, but for now carry on uphill along the pleasant ridge-crest path to reach the sharp little summit of Sgurr nan Each, a great viewpoint.
Sgurr nan Clach Geala from Sgurr nan Each  © Dan Bailey -
Sgurr nan Clach Geala from Sgurr nan Each
© Dan Bailey -, Oct 2021

NH1847069764 Return to the Cadha na Guite, then descend west into a grassy open corrie. At a band of broken outcrops cut left to avoid the rocks, descending steep soggy grass before bearing northwest down waterlogged slopes to reach the low pass that serves as a through-route dividing the main Fannaich range from its western outliers Sgurr Breac and A' Chailleach.

NH1730670675 Here pick up the well-made stalker's path as used in stage 2. Occasionally boggy but largely easy underfoot, this leads north down the long lonely glen below Sgurr nan Clach Geala and Meall a' Chrasgaidh. Re-cross the Allt Breabaig (or do battle with the ford-avoiding muddy ATV track) then retrace your steps to the road.

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Further Routes

by Dan Bailey UKH

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