
Author Max Biden
Published Fell & Rock Climbing Club (1999)
ISBN 0-85028-041-9

This Guidebook is now out of print, and unavailable


The most recent, definitive guide to this Lake District area. Indexed.

Other editions of this guidebook
Langdale Fell & Rock Climbing Club (1989)

Crags covered by this Guide
Cumbria crags # climbs Rocktype Faces
Black Crag (Wrynose) 145 Andesite SW
Blea Crag 29 Rhyolite NE
Bowfell 39 Rhyolite all
Bright Beck Crag 19 Rhyolite NE
Crinkle Gill 22 - ?
Gimmer Crag 107 Rhyolite S
Gunson Knott 10 - E
Harrison Stickle 21 Rhyolite S
Helm Crag 33 Rhyolite all
Kettle Crag 20 Rhyolite W
Lightning Crag 19 Andesite S
Long Scar 94 Rhyolite SW
Miller Stands 11 Rhyolite SE
Oak Howe Crag 11 Rhyolite E
Pavey Ark 96 Rhyolite all
Raven Crag (Langdale) 137 Rhyolite S
Raven Crag (Walthwaite) 37 Rhyolite S
Scout Crags 39 Rhyolite S
Stickle Barn Crag 13 Rhyolite S
Swine Knott 4 - S
Tarn Crag (Langdale) 20 Rhyolite S
Terrace Crag 13 - SE
White crag 32 Rhyolite S
White Ghyll 62 Rhyolite W

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