Alpine pack

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 olddirtydoggy 02 May 2024

My old Montane 42l pack is falling to bits so I got to go shopping.

I do like to have specific bits of gear that work for specific purposes. I don't want a pack for cragging or tent backpacking, this pack is for bigger mountains where I'll be using a light rack and glacier stuff.

  • around a kilo
  • takes axes
  • 40-45l
  • light
  • comfortable
  • not stupidly expensive
  • needs a lid

One pack that has popped up is the Alpkit Orion 45l pack, half the price of anyone else, just under a kilo and has all the features. Anyone got one of these who have put it through it's paces? Anything else I could be looking at? I don't buy a pack without trying it on first. Thanks.

 TomYoung 03 May 2024
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

I've got an Alpkit Orion - well built pack with few qualms. Admittedly I don't do a whole lot of winter but it did very well as a cragging bag, lots of pockets for bits and bobs.

My only gripe was it's quite narrow so very nice to wear when on the move but not great for absolutely filling with stuff/dumping a rack in all at once.

 TobyA 03 May 2024
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

I reviewed an older model of one of these a few years ago and still think it's great. Google says they have one in Outside but for a lot less discount. But you could go and look there, when you need to buy something else, then not feel too morally bad for trying one on there and then ordering somewhere else! 

My review:

 rsc 03 May 2024
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

My standard answer to any rucksack question: Aiguille Alpine. Fits your spec:

OP olddirtydoggy 03 May 2024
In reply to rsc:

That looks great but I noticed they don't sew in a hydration bladder pocket in the bag which for me is a must. I like what they're doing, it's a bag with straps.

Tobys Salewa link does look like a great pack but I just wonder how Alpkit can undercut them all by such a large margin. Thanks for the replies so far.

 critter 03 May 2024
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

>I just wonder how Alpkit can undercut them all by such a large margin. Thanks for the replies so far.

Direct to consumer model

 angry pirate 03 May 2024
In reply to critter:

I'm not sure that's true anymore since the opening of all the Alpkit stores. A lot of their products are now similar in price to Rab, ME etc. Certainly, the days of mega cheap dry bags, titanium oddments and cheap bits of camping esoterica are long gone.

To answer the OP, it'll be due to non-branded generic materials rather than cordura or the like. I don't have direct experience of the Orion beyond having a play in the shop but I have the Presta which I use as an everyday cycling bag as well as a day sack and have been really impressed with the quality and longevity. The zips are YKK and the build quality is solid. Mine is a few years old and is still in great nick.

If the Orion has the same material then I suspect it isn't going to be the sturdiest being dragged over abrasive rock but I'd certainly consider visiting an Alpkit shop and having a look at it.


 rsc 03 May 2024
In reply to olddirtydoggy:

> That looks great but I noticed they don't sew in a hydration bladder pocket in the bag which for me is a must.

They would if you ask them! The bags are all handmade in Cumbria. 

(I have no connection with them except having two of their sacks which I’m completely satisfied with.)

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