Replacement buckles for Crux rucksacks

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Does anyone know how I can find a replacement buckle for a crux rucksack? It's one of the newer versions of the AK-47 and I've broken the plastic (male) part of one of the lid buckles. I've contacted Crux about a replacement and there's been echoing silence, which is pretty poor from a company who sell rucksacks for £400+ a pop.

I could replace it with any old buckle that fits the strap - however that would mean destitching the metal part from the lid and replacing it, which is a long way outside my DIY comfort zone. The plastic bit that's broken can just slide off. If anyone knows where I can source a like for like replacement I'd be very grateful.

 Dunthemall 25 Apr 2024

Sea to Summit make these which just "bolt" on the straps. Have used them and they are easy to use.

S2S also make one pin buckles which you can thread onto the straps (if that is easier)

REI is just an example resale outlet.

Post edited at 16:48
 TobyA 25 Apr 2024
In reply to pancakeandchips:

Is Crux still trading? Not sure why I got that idea, but I thought I had heard that they're not.

In reply to Dunthemall:

That looks great, thanks!

In reply to TobyA:

Maybe not, which would explain the silence. They did put the prices on the website up recently though.

 CantClimbTom 26 Apr 2024
In reply to Dunthemall:

Wow, never knew they existed. That's what OP needs

If only I'd known before as I repaired a broken strap buckle/clip recently by cutting and sewing the loop and made a functional -- but ugly repair.

 elsewhere 26 Apr 2024
In reply to pancakeandchips:

You vould even make your own by cutting a buckle designed for sewing but I used this sort. 

Search on eBay for:

Quick Attach Surface Mount Buckle Side Release Clip

 oldie 26 Apr 2024
In reply to CantClimbTom:

> Wow, never knew they existed. That's what OP needs

> If only I'd known before as I repaired a broken strap buckle/clip recently by cutting and sewing the loop and made a functional -- but ugly repair.

I used a piece of white synthetic DIY cord similar to bathroom light pull cord. Used existing stitched tunnel holding buckle. Hacksawed old buckle off. Threaded cord through attachment end of new buckle, passed both ends through tunnel and tied tightly through attachment end again with fisherman's, pushed knot into tunnel for neatness. Repeat for other half of buckle.

Used on backpack waist strap and has lasted years.

Edit: Realize I didn't need to use this on other side of my buckle as that needs to slide along strap.....I managed to force the doubled over end through attachment part of this half of buckle.

Post edited at 10:00
 Nick1812P 28 Apr 2024
In reply to pancakeandchips:

They're readily available on their site?

In reply to Nick1812P:

Omg how did I not find this before? I feel like a proper prat...

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