Skiing after hip replacement

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 Baz P 23 Nov 2023

Has anyone experienced piste skiing after a hip replacement? Was it scary or cause problems in any way?

I’m 18 months in and pretty much forget about it whilst climbing and mountain biking but skiing involves more uncontrolled twists and bumps. I’ve already booked the trip but intend to keep away from blacks and moguls. May also slacken off the bindings. 

 John Alcock 24 Nov 2023
In reply to Baz P:

I have two hip replacements and they've never given me any grief skiing. I have done lots of off piste, skinning, moguls etc and taken a few big falls without any issues. Have fun!

OP Baz P 27 Nov 2023
In reply to John Alcock:

Thank you for the encouraging reply. I couldn’t remember if skiing was on the list of sports not to do. Climbing is fine but I have given up badmington and squash. 

 scaredandweak 28 Nov 2023
In reply to Baz P:

My Dad skied for years after having both of his done, and has had no problems at all.

 Ade Keir 02 Dec 2023
In reply to Baz P:

How long did you give it before resuming climbing?

I had one hip replaced 8 weeks ago and walking is still uncomfortable 

OP Baz P 02 Dec 2023
In reply to Ade Keir:

It was about 3 months before easy climbing at the wall but the pain whilst walking went almost immediately. At least when I got rid of the arm crutches. 
The worst thing for me was the loss in flexibility due to a long lay off whilst waiting for the operation. Also being 76 doesn’t help. 

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