JOBS: GB CLIMBING Marketing Consultancy Tender

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 Team BMC 18 Jan 2021
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GB Climbing is looking for a likeminded Rights Marketing Consultancy company/agency to assist in developing and growing awareness of both the GB Climbing brand and presentation of Climbing as a sport and to secure commercial sponsorship for 2021-24.

More details and info:

Please forward all applications to GB Climbing Lead Officer, Nick Colton [email protected] and include:

➢ An overview of your company structure and resources

➢ Details of your experience and background working with a fast growing adventure sport

➢ An overview of how you would assist GB Climbing over the next 4 years in achieving the ambitions and outcomes outlined above.

➢ An initial indication of the current value you would place on the Marketing Rights of GB Climbing as they exist right now, and how you would propose to develop these over the next 4 years.

➢ Your proposed fees and an indication of return on investment.

➢ Any other relevant information.

Applications should be submitted by 5pm Friday 12 February 2021

GB Climbing will shortlist the applications and invite those who are successful to present an initial plan to a team of representatives from GB Climbing and Competition Climbing Performance Group.

Presentations will occur the week beginning 01 March 2021

Contract awarded for a start date of 1 April 2021

Find out more details

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