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Might be passing through this week. How does it work? Just knock on the door and ask? Is it going to be obvious which door? Is there definitely going to be someone in? And what's a good backup venue if there isn't?

 Derek Furze 08 May 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

It is obvious and easy from my one visit.  However, the crag was incredibly overgrown with very spiky bushes, so quite a lot of stuff wasn't climbable without full body armour.  Some of the 'classic' stuff was clean enough, but not what I was expecting quality wise 

Pot Hole is very close by.  Pandy Quarry also reasonably near.

In reply to Derek Furze:

> Pot Hole is very close by. 

Has Longsufferingropeholder done something to upset you?

 Derek Furze 08 May 2024
In reply to Stuart Williams:

Haha!  You're right, Pot Hole isn't much of a destination, but I reckon it is better than Maeshafn in it's current state!  Perhaps we can agree that they are both 'minor and of local interest only'?

 TCarrick 09 May 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

BMC Ran a crag clean up last year at Maeshafn so hopefully its a bit less overgrown. Yes knock on the farm door just to let them know you're there. 

In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Thanks all.

For the benefit of the archives, we went there today. Couldn't raise anyone at the farm so gingerly approached the neighbours in the bungalow by the track. They told us to carry on and said they'd let the farm know. Hopefully didn't upset anyone. Nobody chased us off anyway.

The vegetation on the top outs has obviously been very well cut back quite recently, but most if not all of them could still be quite emotional without a rope or something in place. Very strongly recommend dropping a couple slings or some other dangly above the next route you intend to do.

There's a really good half day to be had there. Would recommend for anyone passing by. We left when the sun came round.

 steveriley 10 May 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Good data, I went a couple of years ago and the crux of some routes was scraping through the gorse in shorts.

 Derek Furze 10 May 2024
In reply to steveriley:

Exactly my experience.  See above!  I mentioned it to someone who had recommended the place and they said 'I forgot to say, you need secateurs'!

To be fair, Minstrel was pretty good.

Post edited at 18:31
In reply to Derek Furze:

You don't currently need secateurs; the way is clear, but climbing shoes alone aren't going to get you from where the rock ends to where the stakes are. Vertical mud connoisseurs might disagree but we dropped a sling chain.

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