Records Smashed on the 2022 Montane Summer Spine Race

© Spine Race

With two truly dominant displays of form, Tiaan Erwee and Anna Troup have won the 2022 Summer Spine Race. If winning weren't enough, each has not just broken, but smashed the previous record, during what will be remembered as a very hot, dry and fast year.

Both Tiaan and Anna pulled ahead early in the race, creating what would be described in any normal race as 'unassailable' leads; however, with the Spine - as we know from this year's Winter Spine, where being in the lead for more than five minutes seemed to result in an almost instantanous dnf - nothing is written in stone and even the best of the best frequently fail.

The biggest challenge during this year's race was heat, with high temperatures testing the resolve (and water retention) of the competitors. Interestingly though it wasn't just daytime heat that proved an issue, since surprisingly low overnight temperatures also challenged frazzled competitors. One bonus to the dry and bright weather though was that the Pennine Way itself, which is infamous for being boggy, was remarkably dry, presenting fast conditions underfoot.

Tiaan, originally from South Africa, but now a resident of Guernsey, looked disconcertingly fresh throughout. Whilst he was obvioulsy pushing the pace it was clear, even at the end, that he had a lot more left in the tank. He ran into Kirk Yetholm in a time of 70:46:50, comprehensively beating Eoin Keith's previous record of 77:34:52.

For an insight into how alarmingly fresh Tiaan looked, check out the following interview, filmed at CP5 - Alston YHA:

Anna Troup had a similarly strong start, despite being someone who historically sets off at quite a conservative pace, and it was clear from the off that she meant to put in a strong effort. Much like Tiaan, Anna looked similarly unphased throughout, with a big smile on her face (as she has in previous years) and finished in a time of 78:57:49.

Elsewhere within the Spine Summer Series, records were also broken within both the Challenger and Sprint categories*. These courses take in 108 and 43 miles respectively and have become increasingly popular within recent years, not least because they represent outstanding challenges in their own right, but also as a stepping stone towards the full course.

*records denoted in bold below



Lauren Johnson - 30:04:31
Mairead Okeeffe - 32:31:22
Emma Roper - 34:19:27


Tim Pigott - 23:06:47
Tim Bradley - 23:38:48
Andrew Morley - 24:39:30



Hannah Slater - 09:33:31
Jude Chadwick - 10:38:18
Renee McGregor - 10:46:03


Michael Hyde - 7:55:58
Nicholas Plant - 09:59:46
Gareth Lloyd - 09:59:51

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22 Jun, 2022

A big shout out & massive well done to Lauren Johnson, who won the women’s race on the Summer Spine Challenger. Lauren took a little over 1.5 hours off the women’s record, building a massive gap overnight of 2.5 hours over second woman, Maireed Okeefe, & finishing 12th overall in the process. Lauren is an a club mate of mine at Notts-based Holme Pierrepont RC (not the hilliest part of the country by any stretch) & clearly had an absolute stormer of a run!

Funnily enough I met Lauren on a Pennine Way recce a few weeks ago and sent her a message when I heard she'd won, as it was a truly outstanding effort.

I'll get her result, and the results from the rest of the Spine Summer Series, added tomorrow. I'd have liked to have done this within today's report but have been a little short on time.

22 Jun, 2022

Yes, a fantastic effort from Lauren. I’m not sure but I think this might be her first race win - if so, that’s quite a race to win! There’s a nice short interview with her on the race Facebook page, where she shows impressive lucidity after 30 hours of running (for context, I was talking gibberish after bobbing under 3 hours for the marathon!)

She’s a great ambassador for the club too, being Vice Chair & having been part of team getting sessions up & running in a covid-safe way when restrictions allowed.

Hi Samuel, just a quick message to confirm that I've updated the news report to include both the Challenger and the Sprint results. I'm also in touch with Lauren to see if we can get an interview on site, as it'd be great to hear more about her experiences along the way.

30 Jun, 2022

Anyone wishing to race Tian should sign up for the GUN31 & GU36 which he normally does. Only 20 places left for next year's GU36.

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