Jasmin Paris Breaks Ramsay Round Record

© Berghaus Dragon's Back Race

News just in: On Saturday 18th June Jasmin Paris set a new record for the Ramsay Round, knocking 46 minutes from the previous fastest round to set a new time of 16 hours 13 minutes.

Jasmin Paris - photo: Berghaus Dragon's Back Race

One of the UK's big three sub-24-hour fell running challenges, the Ramsay Round links 24 Lochaber Munros in a gruelling 60-mile loop - Ben Nevis, Carn Mor Dearg, Aonachs Mor and Beag, the full length of the Grey Corries, the Easains, the Loch Treig Munros and the whole Mamores ridge (including outliers).

Jasmin's time is not just a female record but the fastest it's ever been done, period.

She seems to be on quite a roll. Earlier this year she broke the women's record for the Bob Graham, coming in at under 15 1/2 hours; and in 2015 she came second in the Berghaus Dragon's Back Race (see here).

The UK's Big Three

Snowdon  © Dan Bailey
© Dan Bailey

Paddy Buckley Round

A 62 mile circuit of 47 Snowdonian summits, the round was devised by Paddy Buckley but first run in under 24 hours by Martin Stone in 1985. The route includes the Carneddau, the Glyderau, the Snowdon range, the Moelwynion and the Moel Hebog range. For more details check out runner Bob Wightman's website.

Scafell  © Dan Bailey
© Dan Bailey

Bob Graham Round

Done as a sub-24 hour push the Bob Graham round of 42 Lakeland peaks (including the four 3000-ers) is one of the toughest fell runner's challenges in the country. Wearing tennis shoes and fuelled on bread and butter the man himself set the bar high way back in 1932 and his time of 23 hours 39 minutes stood for 28 years. See the Bob Graham Club website for more.

On the Grey Corries heading for distant Ben Nevis  © Dan Bailey
On the Grey Corries heading for distant Ben Nevis
© Dan Bailey

Ramsay Round

An extension of an earlier effort by Philip Tranter, Charlie Ramsay's amazing effort covers 24 Lochaber peaks over around 60 miles, including Ben Nevis, the Aonachs, the Grey Corries, the Easains and Loch Treig Munros and the whole Mamores ridge. Ramsay just scraped inside the 24 hour limit in 1978; the current record stands at 16hrs13. More info at the Ramsay's Round site.

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Jasmin Karina Paris is a British runner who has been a national fell running champion and who holds the records for the Bob Graham Round and the Ramsay Round.

Jasmin's Athlete Page 4 posts 1 video

20 Jun, 2016
This is quite simply stunning.
20 Jun, 2016
Absolutely gobsmacking!
20 Jun, 2016
'Jasmin's time is not just a female record but the fastest it's ever been done, period.'
20 Jun, 2016
Assuming you're not really replying to me there because I'm well aware of that! :-)
20 Jun, 2016
It's sometimes tricky to recognise history in the making at the time it is happening, but I do believe Jasmin's year will go down in the history of British fell running as one of the greatest ever, alongside Billy Bland's 1982 season of Bob Graham and Wasdale records which still stand. She is planning on running the UTMB, and I assume she will have a crack at the Paddy Buckley at some point also. It is worth pointing out that it takes most people about 3 months to recover fully from a Bob Graham or similar. Quite simply astonishing.
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