Carn Mairg Group Walking

With its pastoral patchwork of woods and fields flanked by big green hills, Glen Lyon is a great place from which to start a walk. At over 30 miles it's often quoted as the longest glen in Scotland too, and if you've ever crawled at a snail's pace down the winding single track road and wondered why it's taking so long to get anywhere, then its grand scale won't be lost on you. Up on the hills there's easy-going striding on sheep-nibbled turf, and wide-ranging views across the central and southern Highlands. The individual summits may not be much to write home about in themselves, but done in a single loop these four neighbouring Munros make an enjoyable and fairly relaxed day out. NB. Access has long been an issue on the Chesthill Estate, which is infamous for its obstructive attitude towards walkers. It's up to you how seriously to take their signage, bearing in mind that they have no right to prevent you walking here responsibly. For some mysterious reason they would prefer we all walked this circuit clockwise (if at all); you are under no obligation to abide by such a nitpicky stipulation.

Schiehallion from Meall a'Bharr  © Dan Bailey -
Schiehallion from Meall a'Bharr
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NN6661748225 Across the road from the car park is a big gate beside a barn. Beyond this a track runs past houses, then through another gate into forestry. Continue uphill to emerge from the trees at a third gate. Soon after this look for a turnoff onto a footpath on the right; a telegraph pole is a useful landmark.

NN6641148666 Take this path quite steeply uphill. Pass through knobbly ground on Roinn na Creige and continue on the long steady climb up the west ridge of Meall na Aighean. Near the top the path passes a little spring to reach the broad saddle between the mountain’s two summits; a cairn marks the higher eastern top.

NN6947549651 Go back to the saddle and then veer north on a clear path descending to a lower boggy col at the head of Gleann Muilinn. Ahead is the scree-covered Munro Carn Mairg, the left hand of two summits - this gives a short strenuous climb.

NN6848251253 Head northwest along the ridge, crossing an area of quartz-seamed rocks. Follow a line of old rusty fence posts over a minor top (spot height 1001m), where the ridge line swings west to lead easily to the broad summit of Meall a’Bharr. It's not a Munro, but the views don't care. A sheaf of discarded metal fence posts has been collected by the summit cairn; couldn't the landowner tidy up after themselves? The path now runs briefly northwest along the ridge before dropping to a wide rock-scattered col. Pass right of a small pool for the short climb onto Meall Garbh, roughest of these four Munros.

NN6470051698 The path now drops to another col. Ahead is the steep grassy peak of An Sgorr, and although a well-used trail skirts right of this minor summit its ascent is quick and worthwhile. Re-join the better-used path at a further col and follow it up the ridge curving south to the top of Carn Gorm. The cairn on the mountain's high point is about 100m beyond the trig pillar.

NN6349950099 Take the obvious path down the east ridge – steep in places but easy underfoot. Once close to the Invervar woods cross boggy ground, then follow the forest edge above the Invervar Burn to reach a wooden footbridge. Cross here and continue down the east bank of the burn. Shortly afterwards cross a bridge across a smaller side stream, then reverse stage 1 back to Invervar.

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