Glas Leathad Beag from Glen Glass - the wild side of Wyvis Walking

If you've only ever walked to the main summit of Ben Wyvis via the standard route from the west then you might have it down as a very busy hill, and not a particularly complex one. But of course there's a lot more to it than that. A range of many tops and radiating spurs, Wyvis saves its sprawling and isolated side for the east, where two craggy corries roll out into an expanse of moorland foothills. It's wild and little-trodden over here, and while this may be due to the predominance of bog, the quietness has its own appeal. Almost separate enough to be in with a shot at full Munro status, the satellite top of Glas Leathad Beag makes a worthwhile target in its own right, a soggy but ultimately rewarding circuit that feels very far from the main ridge Munro-motorway.

Glas Leathad Beag from Tom a' Choinnich  © Dan Bailey -
Glas Leathad Beag from Tom a' Choinnich
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NH5480168968 Walk to the road end, go through the ornate metal gate and across a bridge over the River Glass. At a track junction beyond the gate house, go left to the houses at Eileanach. Turning right, follow the stony vehicle track southwest along the side of clear-felled forestry, then west on a steady ascent across the southern slopes of Meall a' Chrimig. The open ground is fairly featureless, and Wyvis still seems distant.

NH5173767686 Ignoring a right-hand turnoff (not yet marked on maps) descend slightly to cross the Allt Coire Misirich. Ascending to the shoulder of Meall an t-Slugain Dubh, the track surface degrades to peat slurry. Cross a vague saddle, then follow it more steeply uphill onto Meall an Tunn.

NH4950168122 Turning hard right, pass (surprisingly dry-shod) between large peat hags, then climb the broad ridge north-northwest, with improving ground underfoot and impressive views of the Coire Mor cliffs over on Wyvis proper. Pass over a minor summit, then continue up to the west top of Glas Leathad Beag. Turn right to follow the ridge up to the main summit.
Carn Chuinneag from Glas Leathad Beag  © Dan Bailey -
Carn Chuinneag from Glas Leathad Beag
© Dan Bailey -

NH4922270686 Continue northeast to the next top, Meall nan Bradan Leathan. Bear right over the plateau to pick up the hill's southeast spur, descending beside the steep edge of Coire nan Fuaran to a peat hag-ridden saddle at 652m. A short rough ascent brings you to the satellite peak of Meall na Drochaide.

NH5092169889 Hold the same line south-southeast, descending towards the boggy moorland below. A little pool is visible ahead: just before reaching this, look on the left for the start of a vehicle track. More peat slurry than track, this leads downhill towards Loch Glass. Slop your way into the woods above the loch, and carry on down to the main glen track near the shoreline.

NH5253670715 Follow the loch shore, passing a turreted estate house, and with views of the swooshing wind turbines on the hill above. A beautiful stroll through scots pine woodland now brings you back to the start.

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