Three Drumochter Munros Walking

A good non-taxing round of Drumochter's three best Munros, this route has quick easy access from the A9 and nicely fills a half day slot. Perhaps save it for an afternoon in transit, en route to or from greater things elsewhere. Though unremarkable in themselves the hills offer excellent open views - particularly over towards Ben Alder - and feel far more peaceful and less spoilt than you might think from the noisy verge of the A9.

Ben Alder hills and Loch Ericht from Beinn Udlamain  © Dan Bailey -
Ben Alder hills and Loch Ericht from Beinn Udlamain
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NN6320775609 There's no need to risk crossing the railway; turn left onto a track and follow it for a couple of minutes to a bridge under the line. Now follow it back right, parallel to the railway, to enter the broad open glen of Coire Dhomhain. The track weaves up-glen through the heathery hummocks of old moraines.

NN6195575113 At a junction descend left to cross the Allt Coire Dhomhain on a substantial wooden bridge (not yet marked on maps). Immediately leave the track and head roughly south, climbing steadily on soggy ground and heather to reach a rounded un-named top (spot 758m). Now head for Sgairneach Mhor, following the mountain's wide eastern ridge above the bowl of Coire Creagach onto the plateau summit. From here on a good day there's an interesting angle on the skyline of the Blackmount and Glen Coe.

NN5989373102 Continue west(ish) across easy open ground, passing over a broad featureless shoulder before descending gently into the boggy col of the Carn 'Ic Loumhaidh. A well-trodden path and a line of old fence posts now lead north up the steep southern spur of Beinn Udlamain. There are superb views out over the fjord-like ribbon of Loch Ericht to the rugged Ben Alder range, and south to Ben Lawers.

NN5794973974 From the summit cairn/windbreak, stay with the disintegrating fence line to head northeast along the wide ridge, before following the high ground rightwards over a minor bump and down to a col below A'Mharconaich.

It's possible to veer off into Coire Dhomhain from here, but if you stay high the day's third Munro is a very easy stroll: at first follow the fence line, then just follow your nose. The high point of A'Mharconaich is at the far end of the long, broad summit ridge. It's a good spot, looking out over the precipitous northeast face (particularly dramatic when banked out with snow - but watch the cornice) to the Pass of Drumochter far below.

NN6042276275 The north ridge gives a photogenic descent route but leads you far from the walk's start point. It's easier to backtrack slightly before making a long steady descent southeast to regain the track in the bottom of Coire Dhomhain. This gives a quick return to the A9.

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by Dan Bailey UKH

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